My friend owned a pawn shop, went in to retirement and had loaned some money out to a friends kid he hunted out west with. To make a long story short, the kid is on drugs and doesn't want the gun back. Pending his father (who built the gun) doesn't want to pay the 150 dollars to get the gun back I can buy it for that price. It is a remington action and barrel with 280 x'ed out and 7mm-300weatherby stamped on it. It is teflon coated with a bedded action and adjustable trigger. My uncle has a book on wildcats that tells you what kind of brass you can use but doesn't give load data. Anything you have on it would be helpful. The author of the book said it was his favorite 1,000 yd target caliber. Rumor has it this kid dropped a mulie at about 500yds with this rifle.