Author Topic: NYC Approved measure to go after the Gun Manufacturers  (Read 743 times)

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Offline WNY_Whitetailer

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NYC Approved measure to go after the Gun Manufacturers
« on: January 11, 2005, 11:12:08 AM »
Thank God the council in NYC approved this measure...It's about time they go after the gun manufacturers for the criminal misuse of firearms...   I am ashamed that NYC is part of NY State...They give the rest of the state a big ole black eye when they promote behavior such as this.

After a long battle, a measure that would force gun dealers and manufacturers to follow a "code of conduct" or face lawsuits was approved by the City Council on a vote of 43-2. Int. 0365-2004, which would hold gun makers responsible for the criminal misuse of firearms, was kept at bay for almost two years while Council Speaker Gifford Miller (D) and Mayor Michael Bloomberg (R) worked with sponsors of the measure to pry it out of Chairman Peter Vallone`s (D) Public Safety Committee.  Miller and Bloomberg were forced to accept several changes to the original proposal, but the end result still amounts to an assault on consumer access to a legal product.  
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Offline Chuck White

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NYC Approved measure to go after the Gun Ma
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2005, 11:52:18 AM »
I'm with you WNY Whitetailer,  I wish they would have cut the bottom off of our state a few years ago when it was a big debate!
Then we would have had NEW YORK STATE and some other name for the citypart!
They just can't come up with rules/laws that fit both environments!
Chuck White
USAF Retired, Life Member, NRA & NAHC
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Offline dave375hh

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NYC Approved measure to go after the Gun Ma
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2005, 12:23:03 PM »
They need to be taught a lesson! If the manufacturers would refuse to sell them guns or service the ones they have, "The Big @$$****" might stop to think before they do such ignorant stuff..........BUT I DOUBT IT!!!!!

Offline bubba

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NYC Approved measure to go after the Gun Ma
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2005, 02:07:17 PM »
Dave I am not sure I follow your post. Who needs to be taught a lesson?
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Offline WNY_Whitetailer

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NYC Approved measure to go after the Gun Ma
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2005, 01:47:19 AM »
I think he may be talking about the NYPD sidearms...That is not the answer.  We do not want to disarm our Police in NYC.  Thank God that at least they can carry guns.
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Offline dave375hh

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NYC Approved measure to go after the Gun Ma
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2005, 02:48:37 AM »
When the NYPD starts screaming at the polititions for what they've done maybe they'll stop and think before their next piece of garbage legislation. Having the gun manufacturers with hold their products and services is the quickest way to get law enforcement screaming in their ears. As far as disarming the cops, well council didn't hesitate to disarm all the rest of the population did they? At least the lawabiding population. When their actions create a little anarchy maybe the point will get through to them. In a family this is called "Tough Love".

It's almost as if the City of NY, and the state of calif. are having a race to see who can be the most socialistic and /or ignorant.

Offline Mikey

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NYC Approved measure to go after the Gun Ma
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2005, 03:18:44 AM »
dave - as I see it, this is strictly posturing.  Just about every court in the land, save the 9 Circuit Court of Appeals in the PRK, has determined that manufacturers can not held liable for the misuse of their products.  NYC can pass all the laws they want, but they don't have any effect outside of the city.  This is just another slimy ploy by the nyc liberals to attempt overall disarmament by trying to drive the manufacturers out of business.  All this does is rile the common sense of everyone else.

Let's not forget that this is the city where after the last presidential election, liberals there were seen to be overly depressed and moaning that there must be something wrong with the rest of the country to re-elct GW.

Now, that should tell ya something.  What it tells me is that nyc is out of touch with reality.  Hay, let them go ahead and try to enforce a city law or ordinance that has no effect outside the city limits.  What the hay, when those idjits finally get tired of paying money for failed results they might get their heads out of their respective butts but even if they don't, this is just nyc - and their laws don't even effect those of us who live upstate.  Just my 2 cents worth.  Mikey.

Offline Mike103

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NYC Approved measure to go after the Gun Ma
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2005, 02:53:02 PM »
When NYC passed their assault weapon ban they included the cops. NO ONE CAN OWN an assault weapon in NYC. Mini-14 W/5-shot clip is the official NYC legal assault rifle. The NYC Council that passed this bill includes Charles Barron, A ex black panther. MIKE.

Offline Mikey

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NYC Approved measure to go after the Gun Ma
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2005, 03:38:21 AM »
Anybody out there ever see members of their local Black Panthers or other black organizations turn in their guns?  Anybody ever notice that or am I getting blind in my old age?  Seems like the minority politicians scream loud and long for some sort of controls, and call them gun control, but gun control for whom - the white middle class?????

That's one of the reasons I won't ever allow myself to succumb to gun control fanatics - they are just that, fanatics. And if you look just a bit closely, you don't see too many middle class whites in that crowd.  

So, this really starts to make me wonder just who wants gun control, and for what purpose.  Mikey.

Offline tscott

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NYC Approved measure to go after the Gun Ma
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2005, 08:49:05 AM »
I grew up in rural NY! My Dad had business in the city. On occasion he would take me. Starting at 8 in the 50's he would leave me off in front of Yankee stadium, with a 10 spot. "See you after the game". Years later
I chose to leave rural NY, because I wanted more of my income directed to my family, rather than tax to support NYC. I still go back to hunt each year... My point is the times are always changing. Who would leave an 8 year old off anywhere in todays world. Hey guys keep me posted on the new NY hunting rules, so I can adjust my vacation come November.