I found this forum in a link from Gray-Star--wish I would have found it a bit sooner!! Reason?? I ordered a 1/3 scale 6 pounder from them with (horrors) a seamed barrel. However, after the info I got from them on the difference (other than $$$), which pretty much followed the info on the several posts on this forum covering seamed vs seamless barrels, I really won't be that dissappointed--just have to use smaller charges and careful cleaning. However, had I found this forum prior to the purchase I would have definitely paid the additional. Oh Well--live and learn!!
I recently finished construction of two small bronze cannons. One from 1 1/4" the other from 1 1/2" stock. The former is 10" and the latter is 13" long. They both have a 1/2" bore and both are mounted on more or less generic oak field mounts. As soon as I get the flick on how to--I'll post a few pictures.
I have a small lathe (7x20) which limits my barrel length to the larger of the two above. Still I had to have the longer one bored at a machine shop. I am also into high power rocketry which is why the lathe was purchased several years ago. Had I known I would get into making cannons I would have opted for a bigger one.
Looking forward to future posts on this forum with all the info, war stories, pictures etc. they will contain.