I have a theory that I'll try my best to explain...
Most definitely gun control isn't about guns but is about control. Those who push for gun control are really petty little people who's interest is only to be in power and make other people do what they tell them to do. Petty little despots. Most of the people of this ilk can also be found trying to run other people's lives in many different ways besides guns.... including being minor tyrants in their own homes. These people have somehow decided they are more intelligent, more moral, and a higher order of person than the "ordinary" man. They are arrogant to the core and a waste of oxygen.
However, there is another sub-set of people who are anti gun... the people who support the efforts of those petty little people intent on bolstering their own ego by forcing others to do what they tell them. This sub-set can be found everywhere and are the people who think guns are evil and cause harm simply because they exist. Garden variety gun haters so to speak. It is this group of people who are running on fear. Not fear of the gun itself, but fear of the criminals who use them. Now that would seem logical but it isn't.... that fear is so pervasive that these people DO NOT WANT TO CONFRONT A CRIMINAL IN ANY WAY AT ANY TIME. So instead of confronting the criminal and the evil deeds they do these people focus on the tool used mistakenly thinking that if there are no tools there will be no criminals therefore no violence and they will be safe.
I pity these people because they aren't even aware that they are playing a mind game on themselves. Nor can they see they are being used by the power hungry control freaks. It is unthinkable for them to stand up and recognise the reality that there will always be criminals and those criminals will always find a tool of some sort to use. It is also unthinkable for these people to face the fact that they, as an individual, are the only one responsible to keep themselves safe... because if they were to do that confronting the criminal face to face would have to happen. The very thing they are terrified of doing.
We have all met people like this. Normally intelligent people capable of making sound decisions and judgements... except about guns. That inner fear of confronting a criminal, of personally taking action against a criminal, takes over and their eyes glaze...... They also cannot seem to grasp the concept that criminals, by definition, do not obey any laws. They assume that because they themselves obey the law then everyone obeys the law. To them a law is an unbreakable thing all by itself and has the power to force everyone to obey. These people also think that because they pay money to a selct few to protect them they will live their lives in total safety. Poor self deluded fools. They are to be pitied for they live in a world of self delusion that they are "safe" and that, since there are cast in stone laws nothing will ever happen to them.
Our justice system also reflects this fear of confronting the criminal. Once a criminal is in the system all the procedures are designed to protect the criminal AND NOTHING IS DONE TO PROTECT THE VICTIM. It would appear that it is more important to not annoy the criminal than it is to mete out punishment. Even the justice system is afraid of making the criminal angry. What started out as a system with checks and balances to insure that no innocent person is punished has become a system wherein no one is brave enough to punish the guilty with punishment that fits the crime. Nor is that system brave enough to force the criminal to leave the victim alone or to recompense the victim. Sure monetary judgements are imposed on criminals in the victim's favor but collecting those monies is problematical.
In short, I think (my opinion) the entire gun control thing is a driven by people with a hunger for power and control who use the fear of the masses as a means to gain that power and control.
Both groups of anti gun people disgust me.