I owned one of those a few years back. The Jager guns were imported by EMF. Mine was 100% engraved with a 4 3/4" bbl with a brass grip frame, a nickled frame and blued bbl, cylinder and ejector housing. Altogether a very pleasing look to it. It was in .45 colt with an extra .45acp cylinder. The 45acp cylinder was an excellent shooter (2 1/2" groups at 25 yds) however the .45 colt cylinder had .460 cylinder throats and would usually pattern about 8" at 15 yds and shot about 6" high. Had I the wisdom then that I do now, I would have kept it and installed a higher front sight and reamed the .45 acp cylinder to accept .45 colt rounds. But alas, at the time I was not into cowboy and already had several guns chambered for .45 acp so I decided to let it go. Your gun may be a good shooter or it may not, it just depends on the cylinder throats. I tried .456 bullets in the .45 colt cylinder but the best I was ever able to obtain was about 6" groups. If your cylinder has tight throats, it should shoot well. Standard pressure 45 colt loads only in that gun. Mine had a very heavy hammer spring in when I got it, but that was easy to change. Good luck with it. 44 Man