Not really sold one way or the other, but unless the folks at NEF have a vested interest in Hornady, they prob would not reccomend them. To me, the 250 grn seems a bit light as I want to be able to do both elk and mule deer . I would rather go will a 300 grn ballistic tip for hunting like the sst. Just passing on some info. I had expected them to say powerbelts, but they did not. Regarding price, you can buy the bullets in the handgun reloading section cheap and the sabbots are under $5. Price on the xtp bought this way is under $20 for 50 complete, so that is not really and issue. As far as I know, the sst is not available in bulk as it is not a handgun bullet, but a special one made for muzzleloading. Will any .452 diameter sabbot load hard in the sidekick? How hard is hard - like doing a ball and patch or like a maxi-ball? Thanks for the info