From Times-Dispatch, Richmond, this date;
"The commitee [Senate panel] was friendlier to a bill taht would require prospective purchasers of firearms at gun shows to have a criminal background check.
Sen. Henry L. Marsh III, D-Richmond, and several representatives of the Richmond Police Department said much of the gun violence on the streets of Richmond involves weapons sold at shows. GUNSHOW DEALERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE BACKGROUND CHECKS, BUT PURCHASERS ARE NOT. [my emphasis]. Marsh said Virginia is the only one of the East Coast states from North Carolina to Canada that does not require a check. Virginia has become a major source of guns used in crimes, he said."
Now, what I see here is a Senator advocating for a law that alreardy is on the books. A lawmaker who doesn't know the law? :roll:
Or, maybe a reporter who can't get it straight? Or police representatives who are really politicans?