Author Topic: Stock finish removal  (Read 442 times)

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Stock finish removal
« on: January 21, 2005, 12:26:20 PM »
Just thought I would quick share this... I got a kind of ugly stock for a project. Decided to strip the (terrible) poly finish off of it today. Got some stuff at the hardware store called Kleen Strip/ Kleen Kutter Remover. (for wood). Man It did turn my homely chunk of wood into a keeper... Painted it on let er set ... painted some more on... began to use medium steel wool, and a tooth brush for the checkering. Finally when it was close I used an old "tennis" type shirt , cause it was kind of course material, just kept painting on and basically rubbing off till it looked good... let it dry good and got after the "missed spots with toothbrush in checkering and fine steel wool on smooth parts.... Anyway You all know how to do it ... I was just amazed at how easy.... Try this stuff I think you will like it .... Cheap too..... For what it's worth ..... Marty