Author Topic: 10mm contender barrel  (Read 521 times)

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Offline pharmuse

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10mm contender barrel
« on: January 21, 2005, 02:18:49 PM »
Just wondering if any forum members have one and what their experiences were.  Anything other than standard 10 inch?  Performance on the range and in the field?

Offline Paladin

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10mm contender barrel
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2005, 03:31:09 PM »
I've had a 14 incher for about 8or9 years. I didn't really mess with this barrel very much.    it surprised me with the recoil as I wasn't ready for it. I would say it's about the same as a 3/4 throttle 44 mag, mabe a little less than a 41 mag . it shoots about the same as my 41 mag.  It's hard for me to remember what it's like I haven't shot it for several years, I do remember it shot very well hope this helps

Offline Jim S

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10" 10MM
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2005, 05:10:01 PM »
I had a 10" 10MM and it shot very well , accurate , and like the above post it does kick a little for the little round it is. I would use the 170 or 165 bullets because the 200 grainers didn't seem to shoot as well as I thougt they would . The point of impact changed quite a bit from bullet weight to bullet weight. I remember 11/2400/175 CSW shot quite well out of my barrel and did about 1200/1250 range not exactly sure which . You could load the barrel hotter  with AA#9 and it shot well with 170-180 bullets. Handloader magazine did a work up of the 10 MM in an article and the factory 180's shot arround 1" at 100 yards. They commented how accurate their barrel was. I guess , even though some try to make it so , it is not a rimless 41 mag just an in between round that shoots pretty accurately and fun to play with.