I am a certified 4-H Rifle coach , here in Georgia. Currently I am coaching a BB rifle team and am involved with the precision air pistol team to a smaller degree. The BB rifle team is open to kids from the 5th to the 8th grades or ages 9 to 14. This is a great age to start these kids . We can engrain good safety habits into them early and hopefuly the things that we teach them will stay with them for life. We teach two different safety curiculims . The first was developed by the 4-H and the other is put out by Daisy. I also borrow some from the hunters safety book to fill in the gaps from the other two.
I have seen a laser device that hooks up to a lap top computer and an air rifle or pistol and is used as a training aid. It tracks the barrel movement prior to the shot and for a couple of seconds after the shot. The program will map out where you hit and the movement for several shots. I thought it was pretty cool, but the price on it was more than I could afford.
Take care