I just bought a .22 LR Match barrel in 14". Before buying, I asked around about the difference between the Match barrel and the standard .22 LR barrel. Most everyone's advice sided with the Match chamber, so that's what I bought. From what I recall, there are some standard .22 LR barrels that shoot just fine but there are also some that don't shoot so good. I haven't heard of many of the Match barrels that don't shoot well.
I haven't shot mine at 100 yards, nor do I have much of a need to shoot a .22 that far, but at 50 yards (about the maximum I plan on shooting with the barrel) an el cheapo Tasco red dot will hold groups in a 2" by 2" square for nearly an entire box of .22 shells. So far I am very, very pleased with the barrel...I can't believe that it took me so long to get a .22 barrel, I should have had one years ago.