Author Topic: .45 Colt Octagonal Barrel Restrictions???  (Read 372 times)

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Offline Lawful Larry

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.45 Colt Octagonal Barrel Restrictions???
« on: January 29, 2005, 07:05:37 AM »
I recently got my hands on a sweet .45 Colt barrel that is in mint condition.  It looks like it has not been fired.  The only problem is that I am a little disappointed.  I can't believe how thin the walls of the barrel are.  I am almost afraid to shoot any ammo, heavy or lite, through it till I get an answer on this question.  

Well my question is are there any restrictions on the ammo that I can shoot through this barrel?  Would like to use it for hunting, but I am not sure if I can now that I have seen the barrel walls.

Thanks   :cry:
Just another voice in the crowd!!!


Offline RonF

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.45 Colt Octagonal Barrel Restrictions???
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2005, 11:38:29 AM »
It's my opinion, and it is just an opinion, that you can use loads identified in most reloading manuals as being .45 Colt loads for Contenders, Rugers, and the Colt Anaconda.  The Anaconda chambers near the bolt notch are probably thinner than the Contender barrel walls.  These loads are typically in the 25,000 CUP range.  I think what is going to limit you is the recoil of this light barrel.  I find it really unpleasant.  Anyhow, you can use loads somewhere between standard loads and these hotter loads to very good effect on deer out to around 75 yards.  The 45 is a BIG hunk of lead; it doesn't have to be going too fast to do the job.


Offline Lone Star

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.45 Colt Octagonal Barrel Restrictions???
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2005, 03:51:47 PM »
As I answered in another thread, in my opinion this barrel should not fire Ruger-level loads.  I've fired loads between the SSA and Ruger levels in mine, but like stated above recoil was painful.  With that long barrel you can use standard SSA loads and gain velocity above what a revolver gives, and 950-1000 fps with a Hornady 250 XTP will work great on deer....9 grains of Unique or 12 grains of BlueDot does it.  Good expansion and penetration, and no better killing power than my .45LC bull barrel has at 1450 fps -  just a shorter range.  Still stings though, get rubber grips.   :eek: