Sierra Rose;
From another Upstate NYer;
Try paying as much heed to Dad's ways as you probably are to your evidently Marxist-leaning teachers.
At your age, you probably are quite young to have settled upon Socialism as a likely philosophy....balance the Socialist propaganda you're getting by listening to Rush Limbaugh just as much....then decide for yourself.
Meanwhile, enjoy Dad's company while he is hunting or shooting...
A rifle or shotgun is an honorable sporting implement, just like a baseball bat, golf club, camping knife or hockey stick.
Used in an evil way by an evil person any of these can kill someone....depends upon the person....
Ask Dad to start you out plinking with a .22....then soon, I bet he will be willing to get one that "just fits you".
In the category of shooting .22 target rifles, women can often as not, beat men at the sport...
Spend as much quality time with Dad as you will soon be grown up and these "together times" are memories you will always treasure....
Blessings; ...Ironglow