Daddywbp, sorry ta hear about your experiance. If there were only twenty shooters, it probably is a new club, or their bad attitude has driven folks off. As sad as it is, it happens. Up here at the North Alabama Regulators, ya probably would have been told about the eye and ear protection, then promptly, and cheerfully, been given it! I keep extra with me just in case, and so do many others. And as to the long sleeves, that is total bull. If ya ain't a shootin' ya ain't gotta wear the costume! NOWHERE in the SASS rule does it require period costume for spectators.
In everything you do, in every sport, hobby or pastime there are SOME folks that let position or authority or their own ignorance go to their head. Just don't sink to their level and judge 60,000 shooters by two self important knot heads. Heck, WE even have a couple, but we try ta keep them away from decent folks. Usualy lock 'em up in the cabin! :-D :wink: