Author Topic: Dali has spoken and Dali say:  (Read 818 times)

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Offline Graybeard

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Dali has spoken and Dali say:
« on: January 30, 2005, 01:31:26 PM »
Dali say he will abide by rules of Graybeard.

So now I need to address those of you on the "other side" of the verbal war with him. In plain English you all should be able to understand.


If you don't think so and you continue it you are HISTORY at GBO. Same applies if Dali starts it back. He is HISTORY at GBO. Guys, IT  REALLY IS OVER!!

I plan to address each of you individually as best as I can who I see as "the other side" of this. I know dang well I'm gonna miss some of you tho. This post is to make it clear that EVEN if I fail to address you individually to explain the rules they still apply to you. EVEN if you're NOT one of those previously involved don't get involved. Did I mention it's over? Yeah I think I did. BELIEVE ME. You don't wanna go there.

Here are some of the pertinent points I've gone over with Dali. I want each of you to understand what I've said to him applies equally to you of the "other side".

Personally I see the actions of yours that others seem to take so personally as no more than a minor irritation at worse. But I have so many moderators and other GBO members up in arms about it I have no choice really but to take action. It's not an action I relish but one I will take nontheless.

Please understand I find you no more guilty than those doing most of the complaining. Yes you bait folks frequently and yeah they respond to it like you have them dangling on a string. But they bait you just as often and you too respond like you're dangling on their string. In my mind no one of you are anymore guilty or innocent than the other. Yes that includes some of my moderators. BUT there is a united front against you by several of my moderators and a good many GBO members. A situation has developed for which I can no longer just turn a blind eye. I can also no longer continue to just chastise from time to time when things get beyond what I consider the limits. I really would prefer to deal with it that way but the uprising is too strong to continue dealing with it in that manner.

I see redeeeming qualities in your contributions to the site others don't seem to see. I'd like to have you stay around. But we must come to some understanding and agree on some changes that must be made if that's to happen. I'd view your departure with sadness but make no mistake that departure is an option if you and I can't come to an understanding here.

No it's NOT just you that must change. I will fully expect the others involved to do the same. I have no intentions of being unfair in the treatment of this issue. One of you is no more guilty than the rest so all must make changes. What I want to work out with you is what changes and how to go about us getting everyone there.

Dali say he not understand why whether he remain or go impact what Graybeard do regarding inappropriate actions of other posters?

I've moved this one up to answer before the other below. I see this as a two sided coin, or war as the case might be. You on one side and perhaps 6-7 folks at most on the other.

You snipe at them and they at you. Each side does their best to bait the other into rules violations and both sides take the bait not unlike a rat eating the cheese in a trap.

I think each side wants to win battles but neither side really wants to see the war end. I see those on neither side as bad guys and really I think the whole thing a bit comical myself. However several of my moderators and many other members not a part of it do not. Together they have forced me to end it. Since none of you are a problem to the site other than in the sniping at each other if you go the sniping ends and no changes need be made regarding the others. If you stay and agree to what I say below they the others but agree to the same in order to stay. It's that simple.

What changes do Graybeard have in mind, ask Dali?  

1. Primary change is the baiting MUST end. It WILL END. Both on your part and theirs.

2. I have no doubt you fully understand number one above but let's play the game and pretend you don't and need expanded guidance.

I expect you to stop the one liners directed to those involved in this little war of words with you. I'd have to do a bit of thinking to come up with all the names. But Intrepid Wizard and Powder Man are I think the two main culprits. BamBams certain fits loosely but has chosen to depart rather than worry with you further. Fweid I guess loosely fits in here.

For these and others to which you've been carrying on this little war of words I suggest you add them to your ignore list. I'll suggest they do the same to you. It is a suggestion only. BUT what isn't a suggestion is this. You and they will no longer reply to each other. You and they will no longer ask questions of each other and you and they will no longer make comments regarding posts made by the other. If either of these happen then it will just restart the war and I will not allow that to happen. If it does the first offending party is history at GBO. If the other side takes the bait and replies in kind then so are they history.

In other words I will not allow it to continue. It ends now and it ends permanently.

3. What I'd like to see from you is more of the posts where you actually attempt to provide requested info like on a few posts I've seen lately where you do some research and help answer a question. I enjoy your posts of news items. Well some of them anyway. Some I'd as soon not have seen but I can generally ignore those. BUT you will not use them as a baiting tool. If someone snipes you do not respond. I will.

4. I could care less about your unique style of posting. It seems to bug the hell out of some but that's their problem not mine or yours. I will ask that should you chose to quote someone leave out any images unless they have a specific point in your post.

If you feel a need for clarification of any of the above or expansion let me know.

Assuming you agree to this which is in effect no more than following the GBO Rules regarding no personal attacks, no name calling and no foul language I will then lay down the same set of rules to the others who have been involved in the verbal jousting with you.

I will accept no more from either side.

I honestly sorta like all of you guys. I have enjoyed, to some extent anyway, the exchange. But it is just too disruptive to the site and cannot be allowed to continue. If it means that some of you must go then so be it. You're all adults and all should be able to act as such in public. Anyone who cannot fits into a category I call "trouble maker". I have no room at GBO for trouble makers.

Seems kinda simple to me. I think you understand what I'm asking and what you have to do and not do to comply. If your presence at GBO is for more than being a trouble maker as some have suggested you should have no problem living with this. Neither should they.

BUT I will accept no further misdeeds on either side once agreement is reached. No further warnings from anyone will be issued. My moderators will make no edits or deletions, they will just make me aware and I will take the admin action to end the account of anyone violating this peace accord.

Like GWB smashing Saddam I will smash anyone who cannot act like an adult in this matter. It applies no more or no less to you than to any of the other parties involved. I will play no favorites in this. I like nor dislike any one of you more or less than the rest. It isn't about personalities it's about following the rules and we're not going to pretend it's OK to almost not break them. We're looking for compliance with the spirit of them.

I await your decision. I will then covey to the other side what is required to end this war of words you guys have been having.

So now this begs the question, who do I see as "the other side" in this verbal war. I've asked for help in coming up with the list. It may get longer or maybe shorter after all of the input I've asked for is in. But here are the names that most immediately come to mine. No particular significance to the order they are listed. All those currently posting I consider to be valuable assetts to the site. Those gone left of their own accord.

Intrepid Wizard
Powder Man

Added at Dali's request:


PMs have been sent to all but BamBams who has already agreed to accept same terms.

The path you travel is of your own chosing. I have no particular desire to see you go but you will follow GBO rules or go you must. Rest assured the others giving you the same grief you've given them will get the same notice in regard their dealings with you if you stay.

The count down starts now...tick...tick....tick

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

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Offline JPSaxMan

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Dali has spoken and Dali say:
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2005, 02:02:35 PM »
GB, I agree with you 110% and will back you up with it and will not give in to the "other side" of this BS.  :D

Attorney: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in
his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?

Doctor: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

Offline -Shaggy-

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To Graybeard......
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2005, 02:57:17 PM »
[Added at Dali's request:


I am glad to see Blademan remembers me, but I have had nothing to do with him for quite a while, other than to watch with amusement as his postings ramble on. By the way, here I am " -Shaggy-", as "Shaggy" was already taken. If you sent a PM to "Shaggy" about his conduct regarding Blademan, he is not going to know what you are talking about. I, on the other hand, understand fully what you are saying and will continue to sit back and watch what happens .

Offline Graybeard

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Dali has spoken and Dali say:
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2005, 05:26:44 PM »
I respect what you've done in coming forward to let me know you and not the other Shaggy are the one Dali was referring to. But I want to point out to you the portion of your post I've changed to blue is precisely the type of comment that no one on the list may make in the future.

You're post prompted Dali to post saying he felt it unfair. I have to agree. BUT at that time I had not had the opportunity to communicate directly with you regarding the matter so consider it a freebie. Since I'm giving you the freebie so am I giving that ONE BUT ONLY THAT ONE TO Dali.

From this point on my expectation are that those on the list will not comment to or about Dali. Dali in turn will not comment to or about any of you on the list.

That statement above in blue is inviolate. Guys I want you all here. But undertand this clearly. If you're one of the folks involved in this and named as such there are no more freebies once this post is made. NO EXCUSES. No claiming mistake or error. Accounts will be deactivated.


If Dali posts to or about you he is gone. BUT if you post back so are you.

Dali if one of them posts to or about you they are gone. But if you post back so are you.

I don't know how to make this anymore clear. Please don't test my resolve.


Moderators see my additional comments in the Moderators ONLY forum.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life anyone who believes in Him will have everlasting life!

Offline BamBams

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Dali has spoken and Dali say:
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2005, 05:32:40 PM »
Deleted my own post.  Too long winded.  Graybeard said it best below.
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Offline Graybeard

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Dali has spoken and Dali say:
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2005, 05:58:57 PM »
Really there is ONE RULE that pretty much covers it ALL if folks would just live by it. The GOLDEN RULE. If you live by it here on the forums then I seriously doubt anyone will violate any of my other rules.

But you are right. In general if you address the subject and not bring personalities or people into the mix it's hard to go astray.

I guess folks have noticed the new name on the head of the forum as Moderator. I'll let him introduce himself and say what he feels appropriate.  :eek:

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life anyone who believes in Him will have everlasting life!

Offline BamBams

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Dali has spoken and Dali say:
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2005, 06:39:42 PM »
I guess folks have noticed the new name on the head of the forum as Moderator. I'll let him introduce himself and say what he feels appropriate.  :eek:

Hmmmm.....let's see.....what to say?  Hmmmmmm.....

I'm the dope who wanted to leave for no good reason, but changed his mind?  Nah....that sounds too honest......try this instead:
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Offline williamlayton

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Dali has spoken and Dali say:
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2005, 10:39:11 PM »
Lets have a cup of black and move on folks. Time will heal all of this and things will get back on the level.
Remember, you do not injure anyone by harboring ill feelings, well, cept to yourownself.
This here is a good town, good folks, we all cause a little inflamation to others fromm time to time, unknowingly some.
 Mr GB, sir--Ya done good, too bad ya had to suffer some amount of anxiety over this but remember, when all is said and done, WE LUV YA GUY. :lol:  :agree:  :agree:  :cb2:

Offline Dali Llama

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Dali has spoken and Dali say:
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2005, 01:30:33 AM »
Quote from: williamlayton
Lets have a cup of black and move on folks.
Could I request about a finger of Drambuie in mine, ask Dali Llama? :)
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk