Author Topic: Got Any Good Liberal Quotes To Share.....?  (Read 658 times)

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Offline BamBams

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Got Any Good Liberal Quotes To Share.....?
« on: January 30, 2005, 10:20:04 PM »
Jessica Flag - a leader of the "Million Moms" (really 80,000) says:

"The best way to deal with a person with a gun is to say," 'I know you're upset.' Compassion is the answer. They are human beings and want the same things I do. Try to be compassionate with them and relate to them."

Sandra Suter, a Florida permit holder, used her handgun to stop a knife-wielding assailant at a local Walmart. The assailant had already slashed two employees, and was rampaging about the store threatening others. Suter drew her pistol and ordered the madman to stop. Looking down the barrel of a .40-caliber semiautomatic gave him a quick burst of sanity. He quietly surrendered to the grandmother.

Kim Mariani, a spokesperson for Handgun Control said about the incident:

"God forbid something went wrong," she said. "It just escalates the situation, and a lot of times it's unnecessary."

On a muggy summer night, Jacksonville, Florida resident Susan Gonzalez sat on her couch watching television. Suddenly, two masked home invaders burst through her front door. Terrified, she ran into her bedroom and slammed the door shut. But one of the intruders fired through the door, striking Gonzalez in the chest. As her husband fought the intruders, Susan Gonzalez retrieved a .22-caliber revolver and shot one of the men dead.

Nancy Hwa, spokesperson for the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence, when asked if Mrs. Gonzalez's actions were warranted, said,:

"Incidences like Mrs. Gonzalez's are very rare," she proclaimed. "People have to weigh the risk of losing a TV, jewelry, or whatever vs. losing their life."
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Offline williamlayton

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Got Any Good Liberal Quotes To Share.....?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2005, 10:45:55 PM »
Ignore, ignore, I say, ignore the facts, doan pay no attention to em, they is not gonna interfer with tha cause, ignore the facts. :eek:  :shock:

Offline BamBams

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Got Any Good Liberal Quotes To Share.....?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2005, 10:47:07 PM »
Here's a few more.......

Patty Murray- Washington Democratic Senator - to your kids in High School

"He's (Osama bin Laden) been out in these countries for decades, building schools, building roads, building infrastructure, building day-care facilities, building health-care facilities, and these people are extremely grateful. We haven't done that."

Marcy Kaptur - Ohio Democratic Representative

"One could say that Osama bin Laden and these non-nation-state fighters with religious purpose are very similar to those kind of atypical revolutionaries that helped to cast off the British crown."

Michael Moore

"We need to change our ethic and aspire to be more Canadian-like."

Jessica Lange - to the Spaniards at a film festival

"It is an embarrassing time to be an American. It really is. It’s humiliating.”

President William J. Clinton - 1998

"If Saddam rejects peace and wehave to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program"

John Kerry - 1998 in a letter to President Clinton

"We urge you to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."

Al Gore - 2002

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
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Offline BamBams

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Got Any Good Liberal Quotes To Share.....?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2005, 11:16:01 PM »
My favorite so far is:

Senator Ted {{burp}} Kennedy - Sept 2002

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction"
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Offline ironglow

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Got Any Good Liberal Quotes To Share.....?
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2005, 04:46:02 AM »
Bam Bams...
   I simply must correct you as to Teddy (the hero of Dyke bridge) Kennedy's statement:

   You said...Senator (burp) Kennedy...Sept 2002

  I definitely heard it as:

   Senator (Hick/ Burp) kennedy...Sept 2002

   My Favorite quote from today's news...

   The " French-looking" candidate, when asked about  yesterday's  free elections in Iraq...
   " Well; I don't know if you can call it a free election, if only about 60-70 percent voted.....but the election is only the beginning; we still have a lot to do." (paraphrased)

   Well Kerry; DUH....60-70%, how many voted in YOUR last election?
...and how many walked 15-20 miles to get to the polling place?
    Where the Iraqis had freedom to vote without the threat of death ( here in the US), the percentage was up to about well did your registered Dumacrats do last time ?

    As far as the election being "just the beginning" for freedom, I would hasten to remind him that the President said in 2001 that the war on terror and the installation of freedom would take years and years...DUH!!!
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline jh45gun

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Got Any Good Liberal Quotes To Share.....?
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2005, 06:46:16 AM »
You guys did not really expect INTELLIGENT quotes from liberals did you?  :eek:  :eek:  :eek:
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline BamBams

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Got Any Good Liberal Quotes To Share.....?
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2005, 06:50:23 AM »
Jim....these were the MOST intelligent quotes I could find - I did my best!
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Got Any Good Liberal Quotes To Share.....?
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2005, 06:56:19 AM »
Yea I know I guess some of them are flip flops also.  :grin:
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline FWiedner

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Got Any Good Liberal Quotes To Share.....?
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2005, 07:05:51 AM »
"Liberties are the gift of the state and the state has been too generous."

"When we got organized as a country, we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans, it was assumed that the Americans who had that freedom would use it responsibly. However, in a contemporary America there's a lot of irresponsibility. And so a lot of people say there is too much personal freedom."

"When personal freedom is being abused, you have to move to limit it.  We're going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities".

Compliments of President W. J. Clinton on MTV in 1996, as he encouraged a new generation of democrat slackers and degenerates to find a way "around the constitution", by insidiously substituting policy for principle and pretext and strategy for ethics and honor.
They may talk of a "New Order" in the  world, but what they have in mind is only a revival of the oldest and worst tyranny.   No liberty, no religion, no hope.   It is an unholy alliance of power and pelf to dominate and to enslave the human race.

Offline clodbuster

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« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2005, 12:17:40 PM »
Can these people not hear themselves?  What  motivation could make someone want to sound so communist?  This is beyond my simple abilities to comprehend!  My quesitons beg your answers--please, make me understand.
Preserve the Loess Hills!!!

Offline longwinters

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Got Any Good Liberal Quotes To Share.....?
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2005, 01:11:15 PM »
"Good Liberal Quote"  I think that is an oxymoron.

Life is short......eternity is long.

Offline Dali Llama

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Got Any Good Liberal Quotes To Share.....?
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2005, 01:23:13 PM »
Quote from: longwinters
"Good Liberal Quote"  I think that is an oxymoron.

:)  :-D  :-D  :)
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk