I am preparing to rebarrel my Remington 700 BDL 30-06 and am in the process of choosing a new barrel maker. Shilen is nearby and has a good reputation. I also read alot about Lilja barrels and they look good. The new caliber is going to be 6mm-06, 6.5-06, or 25-06. I haven't quit settled on which one. The purpose will be a combination long range deer/varmit rifle, primarily varmit, but also for my daughter to hunt deer with. At 12 years old she is wearing me out to go deer hunting. (I can't take my wife, she kills all the deer and I spend all my time cleaning them! She killed 4 deer the year I taught her how to bowhunt.) I would appreciate all input on barrels and caliber choices. BTW, I already have a 300 RUM for the heavy duty shooting and a .270 for my son.