Sorry Badnews Bob, but your wrong on this one. Ethics are not "individual base" as you say. They are the same for all of us, don't do bad, and try to do right, if it's easy or difficult. The place ethics really comes in is when you have to do the right thing when it's difficult or when you alone and there is no one to see what you are doing. Ethics are what separates the good guys from the selfish bums that would do whatever they feel is right to themselves, especially when there is no one around the see what they are doing. I don't mean to be argumentative or disagreeable, it's just that ethics are very important and if enough had them this would be a much nicer world. If you find a man with high ethics, befriend him, for he will be a good friend for life. I you come across a man with low or noo ethics, avoid him, for he is selfish, dangerous, and a drag on all of society. My feelings but from what I have seen and heard from those on this board I think the majority here would agree with me. Thats one of the reasons this board is so good, the high ethics and morality of the great majority of the members. I do not think a member with low ethics or an artifical or self imposed standard of ethics or right and wrong would last long here. GB himself would not stand for dishonesty or low ethics. I have always heard laws are what control what you do when others are around, ethics are what control what you do when no one is looking, they are not set by the individual unless he is trying to rationalize his own improper behavior....<><.... :grin: