The 270 ought to be a really good bullet, it was designed with the 444 in mind, and should expand well at 2000 fps. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since Remington first introduced the 444. They did load up the 444 with pistol bullets in those early days and reports of bullet failures were common. Remington got thier act together finally and introduced a coreloct bullet for the 444 and it has been doing well ever since. The 240's digger was refering to are I believe, those bullets. The XTP's, if they perform as their 357 XTP breatheren, will do fine at the velocities Digger is pushing them at. FWIW, I think the Gold Dot bullets will be better for hogs, I don't believe they will expand quite as rapidly as the XTP, and I also think they will survive bone strikes better. And even if the bullet weren't ot expand, acting instead like a solid, there is no doubt the extra velocity of the 445 would push it clean through most if not all of anything Digger is going to shoot with it.