Author Topic: WINCHESTER 405 LEVER ACTION  (Read 1170 times)

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Offline msorenso

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« on: February 13, 2005, 06:11:14 AM »
As many of you know winchester a year ago and previous made the 405 lever action like the one Teddy used in Africa.  I saw one the other day and really thinking about it.  Has anyone owned one.  I am sure they are fun.  Please comment! :D

Offline glock29

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« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2005, 08:50:50 AM »
Although I have personally not shot one, from what I have read, due to the stock design, the recoil of this gun in .405 Win is positively BRUTAL.
Most that I have seen written suggest that it is worse than many "hotter" cartridges such as the .458 due to the stock design.
Nostalgic, yes; a "real" shooter ? Not to me...many better calibers out there that can both do a lot more & cost a lot less.
Some people really love the looks of the Model 95 lever action, I however think this is the hands down UGLIEST lever-action ever produced by Winchester, if not the ugliest Winchester period !
Always use MUCH more gun than the minimum required to do the job.
Recoil is your FRIEND...It lets you know you are using something WORTHWHILE !

Offline msorenso

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« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2005, 09:48:33 AM »
Since I shoot 375 ultra mag it can't be that bad.

Offline captainkirk

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« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2005, 10:00:19 AM »
I will disagree with some of the above but would probably still never own one.  

1.  Though not touched on above-they were made in Japan.  That just takes too much away from the whole idea for me to start with.  Even though Winchester has not been "Winchester" for a long time now, it's just not the same.  For me it would have to be an original 95 or nothing.  

2.  Looks.  I actually liked the looks of the 95, even though it was quite different in design and operation from many of the classics.  The fact that Teddy carried it helps too.

3.  Cartridge effectiveness.  True.  The 405 may have been one of the hotties of old, but there is much than can be done now for far cheaper, especially if you reload.  Nostalgia has sold many guns and will continue to do so in the future.

4.  Recoil.  Though I have never shot this caliber, a friends 95 in 30-06 transmits recoil far more effectively than a rem model 700 of similar weight without a recoil pad.  The pitch and angle of the stock with a much more potent load would not be comfortable for me from the bench.

Draw your own conclusions based upon what kind of shooting you like to do but don't discount the "fondle factor" as I like to call it.  No matter how much we shoot our guns, we look at them, hold them, and think about them far more.  Plus the delights of gearing up for reloading, if you do that, can be classed as a seperate joy in themselves.  Have I mentioned casting?...

Phil 4:13   I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me.

Offline msorenso

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« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2005, 02:12:00 AM »
Nostalgia you said it.  The Japan factor does kill it a little but thats what you have to deal with, and it not goin to stop me. :D

Offline Mad Dog

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« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2005, 03:02:22 AM »
I think if you get the rifle, install either a sims or decelerator recoil pad, and you will be alright in the recoil dept.

Mad Dog
Mad Dog

Offline frank405

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405 owner
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2005, 06:04:23 AM »
I have one since they were unleashed acouple of years ago. For the first two months I shot it as issued in the summer with some factory and then a 310 grain  gas check bullet I make. I absolutley love this rifle and cartridge, rides well in a scabbard on horseback and carries well in my hand. I have added sling bases and a set of Ashley sights to the gun. Maybe this winter the rebound hammer system will go away as that is a stupid and dangerous addition to a rifle that gets a lot of use in grizzly bear country. I am loading it with 56 grains of 4895 and the 310 grain bullet for about 2150. No animal that has been shot with has lived very long and no bullet has been recovered except for two of them that took a 5 year old bison bull. Those stayed in the hide on the exit side. It was a very quick kill on a 2000 pound animal. Having been around a bunch of bison kills and not being very impressed with any rifle under 416 diameter this was very impessive. My advice is to buy this wonderful rifle and get rid of all the crap you have with a scope and learn to hunt with a rifle that means something instead the latest idiocy from the east coast.

Offline muskeg13

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« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2005, 09:36:08 PM »
I'll second what Frank said.  I bought one 2 years ago and have been very pleased with it.  I've only shot it on the range so far, mostly with 325gr cast bullets, but I'm going to experiment with 400 gr loads and hopefully take it hunting next fall.  The worst recoiling and most inaccurate load was a 210 gr "plinker" load.  I've just moved, and can't place my hands on my loading notebook right now, but I believe the 325 load was clocking a bit over 2000 fps and shot about 2" groups.

Offline Luv2hunteup

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« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2005, 01:34:03 PM »
Now that Hornady has come out with factory loadings I've been putting in some range time.  The 405 Winchester in model 1895 with 300gr spire points shoots very well for an old rifle.  At 50 yards it's old ragged hole using the adjustable peep site that came with the rifle.

Recoil from this rifle is nothing compared to the belted magnums that are out there.  Mine has a factory recoil pad but that's it.  I will agree that this rifle is ugly but that won't keep me for hunting with it every time I draw a bear tag.
The harder I work on habitat improvement the luckier I get.

Offline simbo

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Great to see some interest in the Win95 .405
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2005, 02:51:48 PM »
I've currently own two and love them. No doubt there are those that do not like the "Made In Japan" stamping, me included, but they are well made and shoot well. I've tried several bullets and powder but have settled on the Barnes 300 X behind 53gr. Reloader 7. I have the rifles equipped with Ashley peeps and if I'm on I can keep three shots within 2" at 100 yds.

The recoil is not all that bad. I installed a decelerator recoil pad on one and use a Simms slip-on on the other. The stock sttel butt plate is a bad idea but cost savings wins out. The other reason for the pad is to lengthen it out. The stock gun is way too short for me.

They are also very reliable. Several Alaska brown bear guides use them for back-ups. From what I've read they swear by them.

There's no need to doubt the new Win 95 .405 capabilities.
