I will disagree with some of the above but would probably still never own one.
1. Though not touched on above-they were made in Japan. That just takes too much away from the whole idea for me to start with. Even though Winchester has not been "Winchester" for a long time now, it's just not the same. For me it would have to be an original 95 or nothing.
2. Looks. I actually liked the looks of the 95, even though it was quite different in design and operation from many of the classics. The fact that Teddy carried it helps too.
3. Cartridge effectiveness. True. The 405 may have been one of the hotties of old, but there is much than can be done now for far cheaper, especially if you reload. Nostalgia has sold many guns and will continue to do so in the future.
4. Recoil. Though I have never shot this caliber, a friends 95 in 30-06 transmits recoil far more effectively than a rem model 700 of similar weight without a recoil pad. The pitch and angle of the stock with a much more potent load would not be comfortable for me from the bench.
Draw your own conclusions based upon what kind of shooting you like to do but don't discount the "fondle factor" as I like to call it. No matter how much we shoot our guns, we look at them, hold them, and think about them far more. Plus the delights of gearing up for reloading, if you do that, can be classed as a seperate joy in themselves. Have I mentioned casting?...