Author Topic: 200 yard shot  (Read 1209 times)

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Offline dispatch 510

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200 yard shot
« on: February 14, 2005, 09:56:32 AM »
i was just wondering if anyone has made this shot. i hunt with a 50 cal, but thought about buying a traditions pursuit pro 209 in 45 cal with a 28 inch barrel. hornady xtp 180 gr and triple 7. just to see if it can be done consistantly. probably go with a 3-9x40 scope of some kind. let be know what you think. thanks in advance

Offline AndyHass

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200 yard shot
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2005, 02:29:57 PM »
200 yards is easily doable if you tune your load and practice.  My Omega will shoot sub-2" at 200 yards with 110gr FFg 777 under a 200gr Shockwave.
  My first suggestion is DON'T BUY THAT TRADITIONS!!!  I had their Lightning took forever to get it shooting accurately (which it did well, EVENTUALLY).  Plus the firing "pin" lasted only 2 shooting seasons before it wore down causing misfires.  Plus it was a PAIN to clean.  Plus it occasionally went off when the safety was pushed off!  Their quality is poor and for about the same money you can get a much higher quality gun (Knight Wolverine, T/C Black Diamond, etc).
  My second suggestion is don't use the XTP.  That is NOT a 200 yard bullet!  That bullet will lack enough energy to be reliable at 200 yards due to its terrible BC.  Use the 200 or 250 gr Shockwave, Precision Rifle QT, or Precision Rifle Dead Center.  Or any other "pointy" bullet out there.
  My third suggestion is that if you plan on shooting that far, get a decent rangefinder.  You can't eyeball that accurately enough to make up for the bullet drop...too much chance of wounding without knowing your range.

Offline LMM

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200 yard shot
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2005, 10:07:46 AM »
My Traditions was a shooter right out of the box and still is. Not any harder to clean than any of the others. No flaws or quality issues.  Great muzzleloader for the money. That has been my experience.

Good luck in your endeaver, let us know how it goes.

"If you can blame guns for killing people, then I can blame my pencil for misspelled words."
--Larry the Cable Guy

Offline jeff223

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200 yard shot
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2005, 12:47:10 PM »
those 200yd shots can be made with out much trouble at all.there was even talk about 3,4 and even 500yds shots here at Graybeards and on a couple other forums with muzz loaders.all i can say is  :) WOW :)

heck why not :?

Offline Oldsnow

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200 yard shot
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2005, 05:09:29 PM »
300 yd. shots are doable, but I think thit is close to the limit with the rifles that me have today. To date my longest shot was 230 yd's. on a doe, she dropped in her tracks. I was using a Savage ML II, 45 gr's. AA powder, Hornady 250gr. SST and CCI magnum primer.
I would like to say that it takes a lot of practice to kill deer humanely at 200+ yd's. consistently. Last year I shot over 300 rounds just practicing. It can be doable but it takes lots of practice. Good luck
Thats all she wrote.

Offline dispatch 510

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200 yard shot
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2005, 02:30:53 AM »
:D thanks for all the info,  mostly i am a traditional muzzleloader hunter,here in east tn a 50 yd shot is normal. but i do have a inline,the new frontier 50cal 3-9x32 scope. that i hunt with in certain areas. the reason i posted the question is the advertisements of companys that say there inlines will do this. i'm gouing to look around and see if i can find a good inline just to see if i can do it. might even try to take a coyote at a long distance with it. after a lot of practice. thanks again for the info.

Offline jbtazgrabber

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« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2005, 04:44:57 AM »
i have a nef huntsman in 50 cal. it shoots good i been playing with that 200 yd.stuff a using a lead bullet out of a hornady sabot...the biggest thing is speed...not the weight of bullet....look in some reloading trajectory tables and its easy to get a idea of bullet drop...a range finder is a must...a pointy bullet. yes it getting older <43> so i need a little more scope power than 9...i dont know if i will ever need this setup 4 deer i usally kill them around 30 yds...but iwould like to use this on parie dogs....havent got to 200 yd. range to ck this NEW load out but it looks promising....jb

Offline iisabigone

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200 yard shot
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2005, 11:42:06 AM »
200 yd shots are doeable in my opinion.  However, it would take a lot of practice, planning, patience, carefully successful equipment and most of all a lot of luck.

For years I skeamed on how to get 20 yards and under shots with my bow and became pretty succesful at it.

I attempted to set inlines in the past to feel comfortable for the 200 yard shots I was occasionally presented with.  And I was often successful However, even under the best of conditions I was only succesful maybe 50% of the time.  Those 50% that werent succesful influenced me to shorted my goals somewhat.

I now limit my broadside shots to 175 yds and have had a great deal more success in long range shooting with that self  imposed limit.

My last 32 mz kills have been at 173 yards or less. That is just my max range and what has been statisticly successful for me.

Offline AndyHass

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200 yard shot
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2005, 08:03:13 AM »
Luck should not be a factor!!!  If you feel luck is a factor I would suggest you're outside your effective range...but you already limit yourself to less so I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. ;)
   I shot somewhere in excess of 150 shots at 200+ yards last summer to prepare for the season.  Average groups off a bench were around 2", about the same off the Harris bipod I hunt from.   I worked hard to remove luck from the equation.  Wind drift becomes a factor, but I was prepared to pass on any shots with greater than 10mph wind.

Offline retrieverhunter

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200 yard shots
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2005, 09:52:44 AM »
I had my first out of state muzzleloader hunt this past October and spent weeks at the range practicing 200 yard shots.  When I left for my hunt, I was comfident that I was fatal at 200 yards.  I knew that my Knight Disc rifle with 130 gr Pyrodex and 250 gr Barnes Expanders was dead on at 100 and 12" low at 200 yards.  I was ready.  On opening day of Oklahoma's muzzleloading season I killed a 178" whitetail buck at 25 YARDS.  BUT, I was ready had he walked out at 200 yards.  Moral to the story, no matter what gun you shoot, know your gun and practice, practice, practice!!!
Jeff S.

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200 yard shot
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2005, 12:05:49 PM »
Hey, retivierhunter, when is your ultimate due! should be anytime i think!
cant wait to hear your report on it!