Hi all, my first post on THIS forum. As you can see I've hung around GB's site for a while, mostly in the H&R area.
Lately I have been mulling over the idea of a TC Encore (pistol) ,in 30-30 for start, but have some questions for the experienced.
First of I live in CA, are there any issues with CA laws that anyone knows of?
Next, does the Encore handle all the same cartridges the G-2 does? And is that more than the Contender?
Did they fix the re-cock issue (having to re-open the action) of the Contender wiith the Encore?
Is the Encore that much better than the Contender, and what is the diff between the encore and the G-2?
Can the Encore be converted to a rifle?
I saw a new Encore receiver on gunsamerica.com for $335, is this a good price? Should I get them separate, barrel/receiver, or buy as a unit? What is a good price either way?
I saw mention of a barrel on Midway, is this a good source for them?
Sorry for all the questions, just have a lot of thoughts on this gun. Funny thing, is the TC rifle looks never appealed to me much, but I like the look of the pistol.
Thanks to all that answer.
One more, how well, over all, do you like your TC's?