I dont think the deer would know the difference much between any of them if you made a good shot, i currently own & shoot the 30 herrett, the 30/30, the 30/30AI, and the 7x30... i think a 7x30 or the 30/30AI would be my choice, both have better trajectory/performance than the herretts, and the 3 herrett barrels i have owned just would not shoot as accurately as the 30/30AI or my 7x30.
a big plus for the 30/30 AI is that you can still fire factory loads if you want, or load it up to maximum potential. I assume you are a handloader since you are considering a herrett, so availability of ammo wont be a huge factor, but at times i am lazy & since i shoot about 20+ calibers in contenders i find occasionally i dont have one ammo or another loaded up. That wont be a problem with the 30/30 or the 30/30AI, everybody stocks 30/30 ammo.
i find my 7x30 more pleasant to shoot than the 30/30AI, and on the little deer we have around here its fine, but you have a lot bigger deer up north. the 30/30AI might be a better choice since you get a bigger bullet with greater frontal diameter & more punch. Or we can trade deer, send your big ones down here & i will send these 100 pounders up to you... :wink: