Hey Bone-
I am actually doing this to an Ultra stock. I first used some chemical refinishing products to remove both the polyuerathane and some stain pigment. Both worked good, but I am going to also apply some light sanding to further open the grain and possibly remove additional stain. On the Ultra laminated stocks I have found that the glue or resin that holds the laminated pieces thouroughly saturates through the layers of wood. I hope this does not create an obstacle to completing the project, but I will let you know how it goes. I do not have a standard solid stock, so I don't know what stain/sealer NEF applies on those, but would think that the work should be fairly painless and provide a nice new finish. One note, if your stock has checkering, don't sand over it , but rather get the chemical refinishers to remove as much stain/poly as possible so they are not darker than the rest of the wood. Sanding will easily remove the grip to the checkering. Good Luck. BuzzKill.