Dont laugh folks.My grandmother taught me how to trap.That was over50yrs ago.I really got serious after high school.
I dont trap much anymore as i am disabled.I could set some snares for coyotos and fox,but them dammmm peta babys got there nose in the mess and its not allowed.Them sure take a toll on the deer,turkeys,patridge and even the snowshoe rabbits, are having a hard time.When i see a set of tracks,theres always a yote following them.Ill have to wate till my grandson gets a little older,so i can teach him ,or,his sister.If i dont live long enough,please dont shut this trapping section down,as the young have to have a place to get real, first hand nolage,from the likes of the men and women on this site.Sorry for the long winded post.pan.