Machinehead -
WELCOME! It sounds like you got way beyond the basic skills needed. There are two conisderations that I would recommend driving the choice of caliber and style (mortar vs. cannon).
First, already mentioned is the availability of ammunition. Plan on there being a wide difference in pressure between light and heavy (ie: beer can filled with sand vs. lead sphere).
Second, is the location available to shoot. 100 yard ranges most everywhere. The backstop is a consideration. I shoot mostly mortars because I live in the mountains of Virginia - there are a few places where I can shoot to 300 and 400 yards but mostly 100 yard ranges are where I haunt. (It's scary to chuck a 24oz cement filled over the mountain top beyond the backstop of the range in the National Forrest - easy to do when you have range capability of 1000 - 1500 yards and having fun.)
I would suggest that you start with something simple - the mortar. Quick to knock out if you already have the tools and will give you a taste of what it takes to deep drill and bore and put a powder chamber way down in the bottom. Confederate mortar design was generally simple and straight tubes & trunions. Trunion attachment is a little different that say with an UZI but the concept is much the same - dealing with the issue of how to attach the tube without compromizing the strength of the tube.
Pick something that drives your passion! Search out the plans. Modify them to your tastes. Toss out ideas here - you've already heard from two folks here that are experieced and will offer alternatives.
Have fun, be safe and keep it legal!