I'm gonna side with Courtney on this one, and say that recoil is gonna be the limiting factor here. Full-house loads with 240gr & up bullets let you know they went off. Moreso with the 300gr+. I really don't think you're going to shoot enough safe loads in a .44 Mag to stretch a Contender frame. I sure haven't.
Not that you couldn't stretch, or even blow up, a Contender frame with a .44... Just not with anywhere near sensible loads, especially ones listed in the manuals. The suggested pressure ceiling for Contenders is governed by case head size and backthrust. I.e., it would be somewhat higher for the .223 case than the .44/.45 size. I wanna say this is a bit below 44K, but don't quote me, and for gosh sakes don't take it as Gospel. There are some references around where this information is available. Maybe someone else will chime in with the suitable links.
Half_inch_group: I've often heard of the "higher velocity rifle loads", but have never had the good fortune to run across any. Do you reckon you, or one of your pards might look some up, and post the manufacturer and part numbers here, so's I could order some? Thanks!