i dont crimp for anything. i reload for.223,6.5x55swede,270,30-30,30-06,35whelenAI,357mag and 357max.i always wondered about this crimp thing but accuarcy has been very good for all the guns i load for.when i reload 357max ammo i just use two of the dies from the three die set.i full length size,then i chamfer the brass with a chamfer tool,then i prime the case,add powder,then i seat the bullet just off the lands.i have only loaded jacketed bullets for the max,no cast bullets.there is no way you can push the bullets deeper into the case with your fingers or by pushing on a bench.
375 brass is tough stuff and i dont see any need for a crimp.i would start off by not crimping and seat bullets just off the lands.if it doesnt work out for you then try crimping.
good luck