I finally got a chance to shoot my 45 ACP cylinder on my 4 5/8" Blackhawk today. I was shooting white box Winchester 230 grain FMJ ammo and some left over 230 grain Gold Dot.
We have been doing some clearing of storm damage on our land and there are many large piles of brush with the sawed ends of pine logs showing on the ends of the piles. A lot of these logs are about the diameter of a coffee can and the sawed ends are perfect targets at odd distances in the woods, plus there is an unlimited number of them.
My son and I shot them until we ran out of ammo and then started in with the .22 Colt Frontier Scout pistol. The Blackhawk performed perfectly. I was able to hit a four to six inch log end six out of six times at almost any distance I tried if I aimed carefully. Just before running out of ammo were were amusing ourselves by shooting thumb size limbs off of pine logs at 15 yards. Recoil was extremely mild. I do not remember enjoying shooting a revolver as much as this in the recent past. Recoil, balance and accuracy were perfect for a pistol this size.