LODJ. If you mean the end result is the same, you are wrong. In abortion, a murder has been comitted. There is no connection. POWDERMAN. :? :? :? :? :? :?
This is what I find it hard to come to grips with. You cant have a murder of someone yet to be born. I do think its a more repulsive thing to have an abortion late in a pregnancy but again, thats my feelings, an emotional response if you will & not something that needs legislation.
If its wrong in a spiritual sense in that God wanted that life to happen then how can it be ok to stop it before it can even start?
I know he said be fruitfull & multiply. If thats taken literally then we ought to have as many children as possible. At the time when the bible & Christianity were in their infancy this was a good thing to desire & preach.
Population wasn't an issue, alot of children died during childbirth or within the first few years of life. Children were needed to help a community suceed & the more the better.
Thats no longer the case. We limit the size of our families in various ways which in itself seems like it may go against alot of things Christian.
I tend to believe that God gave us the world as our home & gave us the intellegence & the means to make it a good place to live. He left us to be guardians of the world & all the plants & animals are here for our needs. We'v come to a point where the natural things that once limited our population are pretty ineffective & therefore came up with birth control & abortions, both of which are only possible because of the knowledge that God made it possible for us to obtain.
We now, for the first time in history, are hurting our planet to the point where the things that God gave us for sustanance are in serious danger.
Our air is polluted, the animals he put here to feed us have little unspoiled habitat left, the same for most all natural resources.
Left unchecked we will just use up the earth untill theres nothing for future generations.
I would think that God would frown on this as we have the knowledge that we are killing the planet & we have the technology to fix things.
I think alot of the more recent epidemics like Aids are nature trying like heck to cull a population thats out of control. Theres always been a system of checks & balances & we've been hard at work for thousands of years to defeat it. Now that we have just about got it to where every baby lives & most people live well into their seventies it seems the only thing limiting our growth is ourselves.
If someone makes a mistake ( we are after all human) & knows that they cant give a child what it needs & do what they do for what they believe is a good reason & do it promptly I dont think God will look on them any different than someone using birth control. Birth control isn't fool proof either. Condoms break, sometimes the pill dont work & sometimes people just do foolish things.
Like anything else, we as people have the ability to abuse birth control or abortion in order to lead lives that are less than moral in my view.
I believe thats for God to decide not the Gov't & when the time comes to answer for it I believe all will be well for me because I do & believe what I think is right & good & I know God knows this.
IMO good intentions count. :-)