There is a range that i shoot my AR-50 .50 BMG down in Colorado, and there are a few wealthy gentlemen who shoot there. One day, I was packing up and this guy waved me over, and he had a mohogany looking box and went to open it. Inside of it was a Holland & Holland double rifle in the caliber ".577 Tyranosaur". The bullet looked like a flat nosed piece of bronze, and the case was necked down from Huge to real big. He was telling me that A-Square (Art Alphin) developed the round to stop anything that must be stopped RIGHT NOW, right now. He said it developed 98 ft/lbs of recoil. WOW!!! I was inpressed. The rounds were around $100 apiece, and no reloading components available. He fired the thing, and he took a step back with the gun almost verticle. WOW!!! I asked him if he was going to hunt with it, and he said no. I asked why, and he said, "Son, I am scared to death on this thing, and it hurts me to no end to shoot, so I carry a 460 Weahterby because I am accurate with it." I laughed. I did a little research on this doodad when I got home, and gentlemen, the only thing your .700 NE has got on this thing is .123 of an inch in diameter. This thing ranks rightup there with my BMG as far as power goes.