My daughter and I went out to a sugar cane field yesterday to pattern our shotguns for the turkey season that starts next Saturday. After that was taken care of, we got out the Ruger Bearcat that I had put in the truck, kind of as an afterthought, and started plunking away at sticks, leaves and the shotgun shells that we had just emptied. We took turns and went through 200 rounds before dark. I had originally bought the Bearcat for her to fit her small hands, but she never shot it much. She did all the loading and unloading herself. On the way home my daughter said how much fun she had and that we hadn't done that in a long time. I hadn't thought about it, but she was right. We are always so tied up in hunting that we haven't been out to just plink around in probably a year. I had fun too. It was very relaxing. Some nice one on one time with my daughter, a cool afternoon, and a great little .22. What more can you ask for?