Author Topic: Contender pressures  (Read 1300 times)

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Offline Doesniper

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Contender pressures
« on: February 09, 2003, 03:18:09 PM »
What is the weekness of the Contender frame?  I see that there are limits to the Contender, as far as how hot you can load it compared to other guns of the same caliber.  If it is the "bolt thrust" of the cartridge being fired then an Ackley Improved cartridge should be the cure, as it nearly eliminates the reverse pressure. Can someone fill me in on this?

Offline Graycg

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Contender weakness
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2003, 07:34:19 PM »
Personally I don't feel the Contende has a great weakness if you stay within  the original safe design parameters.  I recommend a quick read of the website below, Mike Bellm knows how to discuss this stuff better than most, let's open to the book of Mike and see what he has to say:

Hope this helps.

My opinion  only,
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Offline helobill

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Contender pressures
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2003, 06:50:08 PM »
No disrespect, but you got a better source for those of us just getting into the T/C game? You can ask lots of questions on this forum, but you're never quite sure the guy writting the answer has a clue what he's talking about. At least at (I can't believe you guys are that petty to blank out his name)'s site you know he's been working with them a long time. Ed (ooh, can I mention his name?) doesn't post any info on his site, only stuff for sale. He's got a wealth of info if you e-mail him, but I don't alway have specific questions. If I lived close by I'd go get a 12 pack and knock on his door and chat for a couple hours with him. I haven't found another place to at least read an opinion from someone that has been 'smithing on Contenders and Encores for years. If you've got one I'd like to know it so I could read another opinion.
Helicopter Bill (shucks, is it okay to use my name, or am I gonna get thrown off cause I think you're a little opinionated also and as hard headed as Mike is. Come on, lighten up, life's too short.)

Offline southern utah

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In the know
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2003, 07:43:11 PM »
Fred at Bullbery has been building T/C barrels for years. I don't know anyone more qualified. Now getting to talk with him might be a differnt story. They are swamped and he just got of of the hospital .

Offline helobill

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Contender pressures
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2003, 02:54:36 AM »
Actually there are no links on the home page. There is a "Thompson Center related links" topoic, but there are no links listed when you click on it. None under Handgun and accessories either. I think they might have gotten lost during the change to a new home page. What's a B-1 SSP?

As I said, lots of folks out there you can call with specific questions for great answers. But I'm looking for a place I can go read some background so I can ask semi-intelligent questions and not waste folks time with basic questions (like when I was trying to figure out what a "bolt" was on a Contender before I got a parts list)
Helicopter Bill

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Offline Greybeard

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Contender pressures
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2003, 06:12:39 AM »
The OLD Links Page is still up and working. It is in a sad state of affairs to be sure with lots of dead links but can be accessed from the OLD Home Page which is also still up and working. It is at: if you wish to visit and see the OLD Links Page. For the most part the TC Related Links are still correct and functional.

The NEW Links Page accessible from the NEW Home Page is not yet functional because the categories Matt put on it ARE NOT the categories I want there. He is gonna write up a small program to convert my Favorites List on my hard drive into the NEW Links Page. At that point the categories will be as I intend them to be and we'll start from there. You will be able to submit links directly from the Home Page and they will be placed on the Links Page subject to review by me.

Anyone who doesn't like the fact that references to a certain west coast operation is no longer allow I hate it. I allowed it until it got to the point where all the endorsements from folks got to sounding like advertisements. Advertising on this site is NOT FREE and advertising from that particular shop is not welcome here. It could have happened that the words not not allowed could have continued to be allowed forever but it went way beyond mere discussion and conversation to blantant advertising.

Like Homer I'll not rehash the reasons why it is as it is. It's all history and is best left that way.


Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

Offline helobill

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Contender pressures
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2003, 08:46:35 AM »
Thanks, I'll go to the old links page. Didn't realize it hadn't been brought over, knew they were working on it, figured they'd finished. My mistake.

I'd like to hear why folks think he's wrong on some subjects. A good exchange of ideas and examination of differing points of view is always better than ignoring one of them in my mind, but I can understand your "monetary" point. I won't push it. Just looking to get info. I like these forums and, to take your inference, I guess we're getting off the posted topic in this case. I'm not trying to hide anything either, filled in all the info I could when I registered. I'm Bill Hughes an active duty Navy Helicopter Pilot, currently stationed at Scott Air Force Base in IL.


Offline JMCrane

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One example
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2003, 09:52:13 AM »
I got tired of Mike's constant battering of TC's products. I have read enough of his posts and info with negative commenting on TC goods especially barrels. He would leave you to beleive that everything on barrels are out of spec etc, etc. I shot NRA sil and have shot state, regional and 1 national event (1995). Everyone I know shoot factory TC barrels. This game requires excellent accuracy. I have many TC barrels for both contender and now 1 for Encore. All but one of them shoot under an inch at 100 yards and the one that doesn't has only had 1 brand and bullet weight of factory ammo through it. Unless your gnat hunting that's better accuracy than you will ever need. If it were not for TC what would mike do. Maybe a Ferrari is better than a Porsche but it doesn't make a Porsche junk. Read enough of his posts and it will get old for you too.

Offline T/C nimrod

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Contender pressures
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2003, 11:25:36 AM »
Ken,KenKen,KenKen.......Note my name. This is on my vehicle, numerous club ID's. I've nothing to hide, but your post about "remaining Anonymous for shame" caught my attention. This nickname  has been with me for years - you may want to check the Bible for it's meaning. However, I don't have a clue who you are, as you don't myself. The internet can be a bad,bad place; and too much information to the wrong people is downright dangerous.

Now, I joined this forum, and others to share what I know, and to learn more.We (shooters) are an honest bunch, but what about the guy that only reads our posts as a guest, never letting us know he/she is here with us. Just something to think about.

Offline Doesniper

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Contender pressures
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2003, 01:19:12 PM »
Gee-wiz I just wanted to know about Contender pressures not the pressures of Contender shooters.

Offline Greybeard

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Contender pressures
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2003, 03:25:45 PM »
Matters not to me what name a fellow uses on here. I do like for folks to register and at least use the same one so we have so idea who we're dealing with in the context of previous posts by you.

Now as to SASS, that's Single Action Shooter's Society. The folks who sponsor Cowboy Action Shooting. I'm now getting into that since so many of the CAS folks came to this site when Shooters folded. I've now joined and when I'm posting on the CAS Forums I log in as Marshall Graybeard my SASS alias. When I'm in a real hurry and ain't got much time I'll sometimes check a couple other forums logged in as the Marshall so I don't lose all those yellow things to tell me what's new under my Graybeard Log in. You might see me as either but always with the Graybeard name and as an Administrator so ya know it's me.

We still have LOTS more work to get all the stuff from the OLD Home Page moved to the new one.


Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

Offline helobill

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Contender pressures
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2003, 03:31:35 PM »
:-D  Kinda got things stirred up. Oh well. From what I've read here and elsewhere, 40,000 to 45,000 depending on who you ask is the max pressure that a Contender is designed to handle, although few have actually gone to the trouble of measuring the pressure different rounds put out when shot from a 10, 12 or 14 inch Contender tube. (from what I've read it's a rather involved process to properly modify a barrel so you can measure the peak pressure without affecting the pressure, and the gear needed to record that momentary peak is expensive) Most use what has been measured by other means for other applications or empirical data (as has been discussed about folks blowing up barrels, that was too much pressure) or some learned process of "reading" the pressure effects on the brass. That's what I've read and there are a number of differnt theories on what is the right way to "read" the brass, but it all sounds like "snake oil" to me. I'll go with the scientific even if it wasn't done in the contender. If it hits a peak of 40,000 in a 24" barrel it won't go above that in a 14" (all things like throat length, seating depth, etc being equal).
All I know about it.
Helicopter Bill

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Contender pressures
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2003, 03:53:16 PM »
Doesniper, I sympathize with you. Sometimes the guys let their strong feelings for their hobby get in the way of clear thinking. Please forgive US all for our misgivings. We try, but sometimes we fall flat on our faces.  Pat :)

Offline rdc in MN

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Contender pressures
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2003, 02:13:24 AM »
So does anybody know the pressure rating?  40,000 - 45,000 ,  pretty big gap there.
Sometimes I think we need a forum for ranting :o                               Hey G.B. I get the impression that SASS cat be addicting-good luck dealing with your addiction!!! :-D
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Offline thomas

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« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2003, 08:11:54 AM »
Since pessure ratings are your concern then I would keep to Factory ONLY rounds and the Book Loads listed for them. That IS the ONLY safe way to be sure since the wildcatts do not come with the proper pressure data.
Also if TC don't chamber it it might not be safe.
Best way I know of to keep pressures SAFE.