The .357 mag is to a .38 spl. what the max is to the mag. We all are familiar with +p, and +p+ .38 spl. loadings. Can someone tell me what is wrong with loading a mag to max loads, as long as bullets are seated out to obtain an equal powder chamber volume? This would parallel Elmer Keith's loading of the .44 spl, before the .44 mag. I will grant that the extra case length on the max gives you the opportunity to crimp in the crimping groove provided on jacketed bullets. But, with the generous throats in most T/C barrels, seating out poses no problems. Lee's factory crimp die, or a taper crimp die should take care of the need to crimp jacketed bullets for best ignition. With cast bullets, you could roll crimp wherever you want. Case volume, and hence seating depth, should be okay if COL is the same, whether it is a max or mag case. I have loaded "heavy" .38 spl loads in .38 cases, and .357 cases, interchangeably, using the same bullets, powder charge, and same COL. A chrono and careful case inspection should indicate a slow, steady rise in velocity/pressure until published velocities for the max are obtained. Finally, I WOULD NOT advocate anyone doing this, but it is in my nature to ask "what if". Fire Away,,,Bug.