Not to mention the many times Jesse.. Jerkson, Al Sharkton ( puns intended ) and others go to speak... and collect many $$$ from certain churches...with impunity !
At such times, where is the mighty ACLU
Our feedom of speech should not be limited..whether in the cab of a truck, the head of a union, head of the DNC, or speaking from the pulpit of a church (no matter the color/ethnicity of the congregation).
The idea of some politician ( e.g. LBJ ) effectively denying a preacher's right to free speech in the pulpit, should be an affront to any who truly believe in " separation "...
Although I would rather see cooperation rather than worked well in the USA for 200 years...
Honest separation should mean that the church not bully the government or vice-versa...
One should have no leverage over the other...s-e-p-a-r-a-t-i-o-n !!!
Rather simple to understand...