Thanks for the input Rusty,
I've found Numrich and I get gunsmith prices at Brownell's. What I couldn't find out was whether the model 70 new style trigger guard would line up to the old style. The old style had a two piece setup with a separate part for the magazine well that screws onto the actual trigger guard.
I spoke with Marlin's fantastic customer service folks this morning and found out that the older 70s and 700 use the trigger group from the model 60 with the extra piece screwed to the front. I will order that from Brownell's for a whopping $13 on friday and have a completely restored carbine with the barrel now floated (I got bored and had to play around over the weekend.).
With the barrel floated and the broken trigger group, I got 1" 50yrd groups out of it with Seller and Bellot green box and CCI predator gave me 1.25" @ 50 yrd. That's plenty good for a $80 truck gun.
Now I'm starting to figure out a bullpup stock design for it just for kicks.
Thanks again,