Author Topic: Most accurate 22LR ammo for T/C?  (Read 888 times)

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Offline MarkA

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Most accurate 22LR ammo for T/C?
« on: March 09, 2005, 02:04:04 PM »
I have only had my T/C for 2 weeks and not had a lot of range time.  But today was different and I was able to spend some quality time with my T/C.

WOW!  This thing is awesome, I have a 223 Rem, 14" coming now.

My question is this, I shot 5 different 22LR rounds attempting to find the most accurate.  This is gonna be kinda tough 'cuz this thing shoots lights out with all of it.

25 yds, bench, T/C, 22LR Match, 14", 2X Nikon Monarch EER
CCI Green Tag
CCI Velocitor
CCI Quik Shok
Winny Dyna Points, Nasty Nosed w/ Paco Kelly Tool
Aguila SE, Accurazied w/ Paco Kelly Tool

So far the GT and SE are close to tied, I will measure exact group size at office tomorrow but lookin like about  1/2 for both.  What is amazing is the CCI Quik Shock for hunting, it is nearly as good as the GT/SE groups!

What do y'all get?
Thanks and Gig''em
Mark A. Fairchild

Offline jeff223

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Most accurate 22LR ammo for T/C?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2005, 05:24:33 PM »
Wolf Match Target (about $30.00 a brick) and Aguila Rifle Match(about $20.00 a brick) does the best for me.these two beat the higher dollar stuff hands down

Offline Bug

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Most accurate 22LR ammo for T/C?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2005, 02:19:50 PM »
:eek:  :grin:  :-D  Jeff223: "the $20-$30 beats the 'High Dollar' stuff"

Ha! That IS high dollar stuff! :shock:

Seriously, I know it gets a lot higher. I've just never been able to justify buying it. I can usually get by with the $10 stuff. If you experiment enough, you can usually find some type of the cheaper ammo that will hold as tight as the shooter can, in field positions.

 That Quick Shok is definately some high-stepping bidness. I have met with skepticism quite a few times when I tell people what it does out of my 22" CZ. They just can't bring themselves to see a LR doing 1700+fps across a chrono.
 Also, don't forget to try the bulk Federal, and the Mini Mags, in RN & HP. They do pretty fair in all my .22s. After hearing so much about the Dynapoints, they were somewhat of a disappointment.
 For some average 50yd groups, with velocities (outa' my CZ :? ) check out
 Good Luck!
It's The Little Things That Matter.

Offline BeverlyHillbilly

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Re: Most accurate 22LR ammo for T/C?
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2005, 03:55:05 AM »
For my TC:

The CCI Mini-Mags work really well for the price and have shot just as well as their Green Tag ammo for me.  The Wolf Match Target also works good and isn't a bad price as well.  The Federal Gold used to shoot well, but hasn't worked as well for me recently.

For my 10/22:

The Lapua Midas M works the best for me, but is very costly, and I only use it for really serious target shooting outings.  I haven't shot this or Eley through the TC, so don't know what they would do.  Probably too expensive :)

Overall, I use the Mini Mags and the Wolf the most for just shooting.

Offline Sixgun

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Most accurate 22LR ammo for T/C?
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2005, 09:08:36 AM »
What kind of ranges are you talking about?

My 10" match barrel at 50 feet will do one little tiny hole at 50' with most of the $10 a brick stuff.  I tried the Bulk Federal and really liked it til I tried the bulk Win X-Pert.  At 50', indoors you have to measure the hole to make sure there is more than one round through it.  At 50 yards they open a little but are still all one hole and all overlapping.  At 100 meters they open up to 1.5 to two inches but I have never shot those groups on a windless day.

For that kind of accuracy I can't see spending any more money.  I get the X-Perts at Wally World for $8.00 a brick.  

This is done with my TC Hunter Pistol rig which has a Bushnell 6-20 high dollar rifle scope on it.

You can only hit the target if the barrel is pointed in the right direction when the bullet leaves the barrel.

Offline Jay HHI6818

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Most accurate 22LR ammo for T/C?
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2005, 09:48:48 AM »
I shot metalic silhouette with a 14 inch .22 match chamber stainless barrel with a Burris 7X pistol mounted on it and Lapua target Rifle ammo will do an inch @100 yards!!!!!!

Offline MarkA

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Rifle Scope
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2005, 05:39:23 AM »
How ya shootin' the rifle scope.  Is it the weak hand reverse hold w/ scope close to eye that I have seen at our silouthee (horrible spelling) matches?
Thanks and Gig''em
Mark A. Fairchild