I found an H&R Topper 88 in 410 bore, 25" bbl FULL choke.....with all the chatter lately about .410's, it talked me into taking it home..........when I got to the van, lo and behold! a 20ga MOD NEF :shock: had followed the .410 and I right out of the store into my van...... :wink:
Like I suddenly have more time to enjoy new gauges.......
But.....you buy them when you find 'em.....
I have found that the older H&R's tend to have a short LOP, and in the case of this 410, I can install a (Browning) pad I have kicking around to lengthen it to be the same as the current NEF's.
[I did find an old H&R model 58 and an H&R 158 in 16ga, both 28" FULL, but they are $80 and $90, a little too much for guns that already have recoil pads intalled with LOP STILL too short!]