Good for 4-8 chops (You will probably have stuffing left over)
Make sure you cut the chops at least 1 1/2" thick.
Slit them lengthwise to the bone (If there is no bone, leave the two halves firnly together)
Make a pan of Jiffy corn bread.
Fry up some bacon (7-8 long pieces will do) and crumble it.
cut up about a 1/2 cup of onion (diced)
Dice 2 large cloves of garlic.
You need 1 cup of fine shredded Cheddar cheese.
Take a half pan of the corn bread (use the other to eat with the meal) and mix it with the crumbled bacon, diced onion, cheese and garlic. throw in enough water to make it a thick "paste"
Put LOTS of stuffing in the middle slit of the chops, and bake at 375 for about and hour. The meat will look normal as cooked, and the stuffing will rise quite a bit. This is also excellent for butterfly pork chops.