Hello, Cookieman!
I have been living & shooting with multi focal glasses for a few years. I have tried scoping my rifles, but I found that the parallax effect seems to be exaggerated, and have to be VERY careful that everything gets lined up at the same point on my glasses every time.....this shows up particularly with my Sportster 22LR....
For my scoped Sportster 22LR and 7mm-08 Rem I've been trying to focus the eyepiece of my scopes to look through them over the top of my glasses, and looking through my glasses off the rifle, but this does not seem real comfortable. I have not tried my older single focus glasses....that may be next.
I prefer open sights, I hunt squirrel with shotgun & 22LR, and deer with 12ga Tracker II and with a custom 16ga slug gun.
I have found that the square notch sights that come on the Tracker II (24" bbl) to work very well. It seems to be easy to know when the sight picture is right. The big square top of the front sight lining up with the square top of the rear sight, with equal air space on each side of the front sight in the square rear notch seem to become "right" almost as easily as the Williams peep on my custom 16ga. I'm able to keep the sabot slug that shoots for me in a 2-3" group from the bench, and on the pie plate standing from the shoulder, all at 100 yds. The 2 deer that I've gotten in the past 4 years of hunting will also attest that it's working .....
For bead sighted shotguns, I've been hunting squirrel in the September season with a 28" Pardner bbl on the Tracker II frame, and I also shoot trap with a 32" full choke bbl on the same frame. I just got a 26" .410 H&R that I hope to hunt squirrel with this Fall, but I have not shot that yet...
This only tells you WHAT I do, but no so much how..... :?
There was a time that I thought that mounting scopes on everything that I had would solve the eyeglass problem, but that does not necessarily seem to be so.
I've spent a lot of my shooting time with the NEF's to the point where I have become very comfortable . When I pick up one of my other guns that my sons have been shooting , a Win Mdl 12 or Rem Mdl 11 or Browning BPS Trap model, I feel that I have to learn how to shoot all over again....when I put them down and pick up the NEF again, I get that .....aahhh...feeling of "rightness" from the gun.....
When I'm shooting trap or blasting a squirrel leaping from one tree to next, I'm not even aware of the bead on shotgun bbl anymore.......
Again, this only describes what, but not how......It seems to me it took time to figure out what I want from my gun, and then more time for the NEF's/H&R's to work into my system.....