Author Topic: New Springfield  (Read 689 times)

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Offline grendel

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New Springfield
« on: March 12, 2005, 06:12:48 PM »
I ordered it about a week ago and got to handle it for the first time
yesterday, fill out the paperwork and start my 10 day waiting period.  
The fact that I own more guns then the sporting goods store that I am
buying it from and have a CCW here in Komiefornia does not seem to enter the equation, you still have to wait.

It is model number PW9142L and is listed on the Springfield website in
with their "GI .45 1911-A1s" and though it has a 4" barrel instead of the
5" Government model one would expect that it would be pretty much a
stock Colt Clone.  In fact Springfield has this to say about these
series of guns.

    "Springfield's GI .45 1911 is nearly identical to the service pistol
issued to US troops during WWII. If you are         looking for an
impeccably reliable .45 with strong collector appeal, this is the pistol
for you."

Well it is a nice looking and handling gun.  Let me
say that I only had 5 minutes to handle it today so this is only a first

Stocks are plain wood, quite serviceable but nothing fancy.
Finish is nice parkerizing.  In the darkness of the shop (to me at
least, I stopped by the gunshop to see if it was in at the end of an hours walk in the noon time sun) I saw no flaws.

Trigger pull seemed to be all of 5-6 lbs.  Heaver and not as crisp as my
Kimber.  Oh well I have a sear and hammer kit looking for a home.

Slide to frame fit has little to no slop.  Feels very nice, not like
some of the old GI (loose as a goose) 45s I have handled in the past.

Sights are "Low-profile military".  A hell of a lot better then the
sights put on 1911's (and probably A1s), usable but will probably be
replaced in time.  At 47 YOA (48 in a few days) I find that the slightly
larger sights on my Kimber are much nicer.  Younger eyes would probably
not need to change them.

Grip safety and hammer make me think my hand is going to bleed.  I'll
give it a try but I think either a Commander style hammer or a beaver
tale safety is going to come and stay.

Barrel and bushing.  The fit is horrible.  Wait a minute there is no
bushing.  what in the world....  When did "nearly identical" to the 1911 Government
model mean a Bushingless design along with a full length recoil guide
rod?  Now I am a bit pissed.  I'll probably write to Springfield and ask
them what in the world they are doing and may see if they will refund my money or send me a real 1911.

I ordered the gun sight unseen and in fact if you look at the photo of
it on Springfields website it shows a barrel bushing design.  I guess
they had to "improve" it.  Shooting will tell, unfortunately you might
have to shoot a hundred of them for 10 or 20 thousand rounds each to know if they improved the design or not.


Molon Labe

Molon Labe

People who are willing to rely on the government
to keep them safe are pretty much standing on
Darwin''s mat, pounding on the door, screaming,
Take me, take me!

     Carl Jacobs

Offline greenjeans

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New Springfield
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2005, 02:31:04 PM »
Haven't had any problems with mine other than it will not hold the slide back about 50% of the time with Chip McCormick mags. Handles the factory and mil surplus fine. Will never put 10,000 rounds through it in my lifetime. If you look at the 9143L (lightweight) it shows as bushingless. Would be nice to get what you order, though.
Romans 8:38,39

Offline Edgewood NM

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New Springfield
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2005, 10:50:39 AM »
My WW2 GI was bough in 11-04 and I ahve pit about 500 rounds though it. Not a single malfunction. Great gun. I did replace the US grips woth Hogue wrap arounds but I may go back to the wood. Only problem was at the range one character said to me "Nice Glock"!!
Some people's children.

Enemies may come into our country and times will have changed, but then the boys will come down from the old high hills and belt on their guns again.
Louis L'Amour
