Author Topic: Have Conservatives Lost Their Edge  (Read 492 times)

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Offline fe352v8

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Have Conservatives Lost Their Edge
« on: March 14, 2005, 07:46:57 PM »
Folks I am deeply concerned about the declining quality of deriding liberals and their viewpoints.   The over usage of “liberal”, as a pejorative, has lead to a serious weakening of your rants.  I am beginning to feel less insulted all the time.  In the spirit of mutual antagonism, I think we might be better served by a more creative use of adjectives, increased stereotyping, and wider generalizations.  If I were to refer to you as a right wing republicans, where is the negativism, you are a right wing republicans; conversely when you call me a leftist liberal, why should I feel insulted I am one, you are losing your edge.  Some of you continue to refer to Kerry, and Hillary, but he is old news and since she has been in the senate she has drifted away from left some, besides their behavior is not all that sensational.  So lets stick with classics like, Ted Kennedy, I mean he is always out raged at something, proven adulterer, and looking at his driving history he even drives on the left side of the road.  Then there is Barney Frank, admittedly homosexual, and he even has a lisp.  Now Jane Fonda is classic, how can we ever forget Hanoi Jane.

So folks let us work on it I know you can end this unfortunate slide into mediocrity.  To get you started I have included two “left” to “right” examples and a reference to a conservative classic.

Conservatives, like Bush, are just gun toting, xenophobic, goose stepping, fascists, that will dance to any tune played by their Wall Street puppet masters, on the heads of the poor.

The only reason Bush went to war in Iraq, was his domestic policy approval rating were sagging.

John Ashcroft thought constitution meant going for a daily walk.

That what I am looking for broad generalizations, innuendo, unproven accusations and a multitude of adjectives, now lets start deriding the right way, as it were.

Life is no joke but funny things happen  
life is no joke but funny things happen


Offline williamlayton

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Have Conservatives Lost Their Edge
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2005, 12:51:13 AM »
Well Jane Fonda is also "old" news and a quick study will show she has moved to more conservative stances in her life. She also realizes the damage she did/has done and would change them, if she could.
Teddy, well he is a piece of work, hanging on to his power as though it were life itself. I guess IT IS the only life he has.
We will never know the extent of outside influences in this present administration, though, the shadows seem very clear.
I liked you thoughts about Liberal and Conservative. I would agree with the thought being "how you define such".
Folks the problem is we do not have any statesmen in this country today, irreguardless of  right or left.
Bush Sr. was a wantabe statesman but ended up, I think, compromising those values. His son is such also, in my opinion, he however is not as strong in his politics as the father though his "faith" has much to be admired.
Barney and those of his "ilk" have need of complete thought, they just do not think through their own agenda's very well, they think laws will solve all the problems. The fact is the law only identifies the problem and has never solved the problem.
Bush comes closer than any, recently, but stops short.
Statesman, I cry, WE need statesmen, not lawyers.