Author Topic: A step closer to a national CCL  (Read 421 times)

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Offline Brett

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A step closer to a national CCL
« on: March 18, 2005, 07:55:52 AM »
In the House, Rep. John Hostettler has reintroduced the Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement (SAFE) Act (HR 1243), which would provide for state reciprocity for concealed-carry permits pursuant to the laws of the carrier's home state. Further, the bill would not require a citizen to obtain a permit so as to mesh with states like Alaska and Vermont. The legislation would allow citizens who can legally carry in their home state -- even without a permit -- to carry all across the country. Of course, we at The Patriot see the Second Amendment as the only "permit" necessary!
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Offline jhm

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A step closer to a national CCL
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2005, 01:20:41 PM »
I will get shot for this but I feel if it goes thru and even one (1) thats one if anyone is confused about it state is required to have a paid for permit all of the states should have to pay and take the training, but if one (1) thats one for those of us that dont understand it, state dont require it then the rest of the states dont have to either period. :D    JIM

Offline Ron T.

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A step closer to a national CCL
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2005, 02:41:16 PM »

I totally agree with you... the 2nd. Amendment IS a CCW Permit as far as I'm concerned, but being a law-abiding citizen, I took the classes, paid the fees and got my State (Ohio) issued CCW Permit... all nice and legal.

Do I like it?  A resounding "NO!!!"   But we are a nation of "laws"... and I am a law-abiding citizen who keeps TRYING to remain law-abiding... and so, I did "the dance", but I never said I "liked" it.

However, if the lawmakers (Federal, State, County, City or Local) get too ridiculous with their "law-making", then most of us will simply ignore their rantings and disobey their illegal laws.   One doesn't need to be a "rocket scientist" to figure that one out.

I completely believe in "America" and the American Way and our form of government, but I'm definitely wary of a bunch of bureaucrats who don't TRUST me, a totally law-abiding citizen.

While I rarely travel outside Ohio, my home State... I also hope we get a Federally-mandated CCW comply law for ALL States so that we can go across our Country without being hassled by the local police for carrying a concealed weapon, but I doubt it will happen since some uninformed State Legislators and Governors (think "some N. E. States") are totally against CCW in any form and will never vote FOR it regardless of the PROVEN FACT that serious crime drops after a State approves CCW Permits for their citizens.

A sad, but true FACT... gentlemen.

Strength & Honor...

Ron T.
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."  - Thomas Jefferson