I bought a tree saddle just about a year ago next month. Hunted with it all last year. Very impressed. Solid product.
It takes a little while to get used to. I practiced in the back yard a lot. Once you get it down though, it will do everything they claim. I love it. Used it for archery, shotgun, and ML season.
Ended up getting a set of Rapid Rails from Ameristep for getting up the tree. Very quick (abt 5-10 mins) and light. Then I took a strap on step and added three more steps to the strap - I use that for my "platform."
I still have some "fixed" stands, but the TS is the cat's meow. In fact, my brother has a couple ladder stands (I HATE ladder stands, easy to get into, but they always seem to "creak.") that I actually hunted out of using my TS. Just anchored myself in above his ladder stand. The manuverability is awesome.
Be careful though. Initially, I would overreact when I saw a deer. You can move quite a bit - all the way around the tree. Just go slow and be deliberate.