Cotton, ive caught otter in all sizes of body gripping traps from 160 up to 330s. They all work. I prefer the triggers on body grip traps to set traps off just as it starts moving so one gets a good head shot behind heads of otter. The 160 hitting otter right behind head kills them dead right now.... one wouldnt think so with thier strong necks but it does same thing on coons and they have strong necks also....
On foot holds, ive caught alot of otters in nbr one northwoods double coils that ive had set for mink and they hold otters good. They dont get out.... i know some people use nbr 11 double longs in capturing them for restocking with no harm and when otter gets in them they are there to stay also.... Alot of people use larger traps as it easier to catch otter without precise trap placement for otters foot... when using a nbr 11 or nbr 1 you have to know your trap placement in relation to otters foot placement. Ive heard people using everything from nbr 2 to 4s and 5s for otter. One thing when using any trap is to have extra swivels in trap close to trap itself and use drowing cables or wire to ensure otter drowns quickly... Snares can be used also and swivels right next to snare itself is important or otter will twist and ball up cable and sometimes twist cable off. Any more questions fire away..