My CCW gun used to be a PPK in .380. But more and more I found myself carying one of my Single Six 32H&R mags. Now it depends on the weather and how I am dressed, but it's eather:
#1..... Colt Delta 10mm
#2.....Single Six 32mag
#3.....PPK .380
#4.....SAA .45lc
Between the 4 listed above the Single Six and the PPK get the most cary time.
I shoot the single actions the most due to shooting Cowboy Action Shooting, they feel the best in my hand and my non thinking reactons work well with a Single Action revolver. The PPK is dead simple to use, just point and pull the trigger, no safetys to work with, and the Delta is just thumb the hammer back and shoot. I never have beek comfortable with "Cocked and Locked". it's just habbit for me to thumb the hammer back on any gun I use. I even thumb the hammer back on the little PPK. Just habbit and one I never want to get out of.
Greeenriver(I even thumb the hammer on double action pistols, good habbit to have for me)