Well, my friend bought two of the carbines cheap at Big 5 out in Arizona and ammo was pretty scarce at the time. He was aware that I was a big-time reloader and asked me if I could load up some ammo for him if he paid for all the reloading componenents. Heck yes, says I, so I started tracking down brass, dies, moulds, etc. He loaned me one of his carbines as a test bed to make up his loads. Before anything comes to fruition, I am medically retired and move to Alabama; he says hold on to the rifle and send him the ammo when it's done. Due to my relocation and the delays in getting my brass, a year and a half have gone by. The only cost I have so far is for the RCBS priming tool. My interest in this project is only that it is a new caliber that I haven't worked on as a project. Since I'm more of a reloader than a shooter, the rifle is only an adjunct to the bigger project. I feel an obligation to furnish some quality ammo to my patron.