My bet is he has a Desert Eagle 50 AE, not a Grizz which would limit him to those dastardly jacketed bullets. Am I right L-Roy?
Fiveshooter do you have any problems with bullets pulling under recoil? I've always heard that since the 50 AE headspaced on the casemouth a good roll crimp couldn't be applied so max loads caused bullets to pull. A 380 at 1,600 sure sounds like a max load to me. Whats the secret? :grin:
Hi John,
The 380 gr. BRP bullets are made of pure linotype and are very hard. I can honestly say that I have not had any bullet pull or "creep" problems with cast bullets in this gun. I have however had problems with bullet pull experimenting with seating the Speer 325 gr. JHP too shallow into the case to make room for more powder.
In this gun a 380 gr. bullet at 1600 fps is without any doubt a max load for me. I have no fear of blowing the gun at this level but the "fun" potential starts to leave at about 1500 fps.
At present I am quite content to load this bullet at 1450 fps which is a lot easier for me to manage.
I have also read reports of the entire cartridge being forced so far forward from heavy recoil that misfires occur because the firing pin fails to contact the primer. I have never experienced this myself with any load. BTW if you check the demesions on a .50 AE case you will see that it is actually tapered to some degree.
The chambers on my FA are also very tight and all five of the chamber throats measure at .500" exactly.
I size all my cast bullets for this gun to .500" and get good accuracy. A bullet sized to .501" that has any bearing band on the outside of the case will not chamber in my gun.
I use a taper crimp and for what it is worth I also believe that one of the biggest causes of bullet creep is insufficent tension of the sized case neck on the bullet.
I have in the past had bullet creep problems with .454 Casull and no amount of roll crimp would correct it. I switched to a tighter sizing die and was able to get away with a much lighter crimp and no more bullet creep problem at any level I have loaded to.
I hope to have a bullet mold for the .50 AE in the near future that casts a LBT LFN style bullet at slightly over 400 grs. The bullet will have a longer crimp to nose than the 380 gr. but I will keep the crimp to base the same so as not to take away from the powder capacity. I will report back after I get the mold and have a chance to experiment with it.
Also even though I use a taper crimp all the cast bullet molds I have for the .50 AE have a crimp groove as does the 380 gr. LFN that BRP sells.
Best Regards,