Author Topic: Several answers for IZH-94 owners  (Read 1377 times)

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Offline wink_man

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Several answers for IZH-94 owners
« on: March 31, 2005, 03:55:05 PM »
Well, I called EAA today, to try to get answers to some of my questions, spoke to a guy named Paul, was SO annoyed with his attitude, that I wouldn't consider calling again. Then spoke to the customer service supervisor, and although she wasn't much help, I did let her know that I wouldn't consider calling, or buying another Baikal due to my experience with Paul, but anyways, I did get a few answers.
1. Rear sight is windage adjustable only.
2. Front sight is elevation adustable, and adjusts by twising the sight in & out of the base with (a pliers, according to Paul), I think a small adjustable wrench would be more prudent.
3. Now the real question, the barrel regulator system. It IS supposed to turn freely(so they tell me), as the screw itself is a shim, NOT an adjustor. According to that moron Paul, you're supposed to sight in the shotgun barrel to the iron sights, then see where the rifle barrel shoots, and if it's off, call them, and tell them how far off it is, and they will supply a different shim. Doesn't sound like much of a barrel regulator system to me!!!!! Furthermore, when I asked if the gun was sighted in from the factory at a particular distance, and if the rifle barrel was regulated to the shotgun barrel from the factory, the answer I got was, 'You'll just have to shoot it and see'. Glad I have the see-thru rings to use the iron sights and scope.
Does it sound like I am totally UNIMPRESSED with their customer service??? Yep, I am.
Just thought I would pass this information along and spare anyone else having to talk to that moron Paul.
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Offline yellowknifedave

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« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2005, 08:08:22 PM »
Hi Garry.  
Sorry to hear about the poor customer service you encountered with EAA.  I seem to recall AK mentioning how he didn't like their service at all either.  Perhaps Spartan will have a few better answers?  Hopefully yours will be properly regulated and you won't have to worry about it.  Thanks for all the info.  If I ever do get mine, that is good to know.
Sorry again about your poor experience with the company.  Take care.

Offline Keith L

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Several answers for IZH-94 owners
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2005, 09:06:04 PM »
Now the real question, the barrel regulator system. It IS supposed to turn freely(so they tell me), as the screw itself is a shim, NOT an adjustor.

I am really missing something here.  How is that supposed to work?  My logic tells me that if it is turning freely it isn't shimming much.

One of the local gun stores I frequent is sad to see Remington taking over the importing of these guns, because they liked the service and support they got from EAA.  This shop owner is a no nonsense guy who would tell EAA where to put their guns if he was treated like you were.  Maybe Paul is normally not on the phones.  Lets hope so.  Perhaps your conversation with the boss will be part of Paul's career development <VBG>.
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Offline wink_man

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Several answers for IZH-94 owners
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2005, 03:12:24 AM »
Kieth, don't feel bad, I seem to be missing the same thing you are on the barrel regulation system. Certainly doesn't make sense to me either, but that was the answer I got from them.
'Life is to short to hang with an ugly woman, or hunt with an ugly gun' - Garry
'It's not that our liberal friends are ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't' Ronald Reagan
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Offline yellowknifedave

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IZH 94
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2005, 06:07:07 AM »
Hello all.  I just emailed Spartan Gunworks' customer support line with a series of questions regarding the adjustment screw.  They have been very quick to answer when I have emailed them in the past.  I will post the reply when I get it.
Take care all.

Offline dougk

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Several answers for IZH-94 owners
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2005, 09:49:37 AM »
I am sure Paul was upset over losing the Baikal contract.. I am sure it was alot of $ for EAA.  I think it is very interesting that Remington is going after the combo and double rifle market.  Gee are these guns gaining popularity???

Will my Baikal be a collectors item???? :-D

Offline Drilling Man

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Several answers for IZH-94 owners
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2005, 09:33:13 AM »
One thing that turns me off to some of the models of those Spartan combo's, is the weight!!!  

  The 410/22's are 7-1/2 pounds!  That's a lot to lug around for those cal's...  

  At least the 30-06 models are only 1/2 pound more, but that's still heavy by the time you scope it!!

  Are the Spartans any heavier that the EAA models??????

  Drilling Man

Offline Keith L

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Several answers for IZH-94 owners
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2005, 11:36:12 AM »
I am sure Paul was upset over losing the Baikal contract.

That may be but my shop owner friend contacted EAA and tells me they (EAA) contracted with Spartan Gunworks to provide repair and customer service for these guns.  If Paul is to much of a grouch with customers they may loose this as well.
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Offline cazador viejo

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Several answers for IZH-94 owners
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2005, 04:35:43 AM »
I bought a Bakaii at a local gun show about three years ago in 6.5X55 and 12 GA.  That gun was a total POS.  It looked like the barrels were crowned with a belt sander.  That did not bother me as much as the fact that when I first shot it it pierced primers on the rifle cattridges.  The firing pins were too long.  Makes you wonder if they even test fired it.  I had my gunsmith fix the firing pins and recrown the rifle barrel but could never get decent accurcary from it.  

To make a long story short I got rid of it and bought a CZ 30.06 12 Ga combo and am very happy now.  You really do get what you pay for.

Offline yellowknifedave

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« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2005, 12:48:25 PM »
I got a reply from Spartan.  Not really what I was looking for, but here is the text of the message:

Thank you for visiting Remington Country! We certainly appreciate you taking the time to write in with your question. Just wanted to let you know that we haven't forgotten your question regarding the barrel regulation screw. We've had to check with the firearms department about your question and haven't received and explanation, yet. I will email you as soon as I have an answer. Thank you for your patience.

I will update when I know more.