I've got a rather long barreled(10.5") SA w/scope revolver that I'm trying to find a holster for. I'm looking for a bandolier type that the holster sit at the bottom of the strap, instead of across your chest like the Uncle Mikes and cheaper bandoliers.
I seen one about a year ago at a gun show for about $150 made out of leather with either black or white stitching, brown in color, and had an optional cartridge loop add-on that attached by screws right over the heart. Overall looks was cowboyish. The strap was adjustable on the back side between the shoulderblade and down towards where the holster was attached. ....but I cant seem to find one at all on Google within the first 20+ pages of a search. I'm desperately trying to stay away from a nylon/cordora holster as much as I can, keeping to a older western look.
My revolver is an Interarms Virginian Dragoon Silhouette, and is about as massive as a Ruger SBH(if not more) or FA if that matters.
Trying to find a means to carry this for hunting/fishing has been a real turd. lol.
Thank you ahead for any input.